Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 447 I want to tear them apart

Chapter 447 I want to tear them apart
"I knew you didn't worry about these things, and I didn't know which one was killed by a thousand swords, and even talked nonsense in the village. They said that Xue girl's marriage was originally yours, because you didn't look down on the Xu family, and it wasn't easy to contradict grandma. When it comes to Xue girl, let Xue girl be the scapegoat."

Every dog ​​can't spit out ivory, is that what the scapegoat said?
As Li said, he picked up the tea and took a sip,
"There are also people who say that you and Xu's eldest son are a match made in heaven. It's Xue girl who has no sense of shame, and insisted on robbing Meng Shi... In short, there are all kinds of things to say, and it makes people angry .”

Bai Ningxiang was slightly taken aback when she heard her narration, isn't the matter of the Xu family in the past?

"Who is so boring, isn't this a matter of ruining a relationship?"

According to common sense, Bai Ningxue should not dare to regret the marriage easily at this time, without the protection of Meng Shi, she would not have the guts to use her marriage to plot against herself.

But she ignored one point, if someone goes crazy, they will put all their eggs in one basket.

"It's not a big deal. The Meng family has already left with Li. The only way for Sister Xue is to marry well. The sudden appearance of such irresponsible rumors will actually affect Sister Xue the most."

As soon as they got married, problems happened one after another. If the Xu family went back on their word and withdrew the marriage, it would be Sister Xue who would be unlucky in the end.

Even if they don't withdraw their marriage, wouldn't the Xu family be even more wronged if they wanted to use this excuse to torture Sister Xue?

"Yun Ni went to the village to see what's going on with the rumors?"

"Yes, girl." Yun Ni washed her hands, inquiring about news is her strong point.

Seeing Yun Ni go out, Bai Ningxiang was also a little puzzled, who made trouble?

If you want to plot against her or want to destroy Xu Maokang and Bai Ningxue's marriage, what are the benefits of destroying it?
Seeing that Bai Ningxiang didn't care much, Mrs. Li became anxious immediately.

"Xiang girl, you can't ignore the rumors that dragged you into it. You will get rid of it in a few months. Be careful of evil people."

Mrs. Li is indeed very anxious, her father-in-law has been worried for a long time, Sister Xiang has bought so many family properties, even her own relatives are jealous, let alone outsiders?
The people who spread the rumors must have wanted to ruin Sister Xiang's reputation, so as to affect her marriage, so they could take the opportunity to start. If the reputation is dirty, it is like being strangled with a rope around the neck, and can be pinched whenever they want.

The more I thought about it, the more worried I became, even if she had a problem with Shen Shi, she would have to go and tell her before she could rest assured.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the worried eyes of the godmother, took her hand and shook it,

"Don't worry, godmother, I won't let people easily plot against me. When I find out the matter clearly, I won't be soft-hearted."

"It's good if you care about it, I'm afraid you don't take it seriously. Don't worry, the godmother will help you find out. If my mother knows which bastard who killed a thousand swords, she will definitely tear him up with her own hands."

Li uttered a harsh word indignantly, only to realize that Bai Ningxiang was staring at her with a smile on her face, her old face flushed, and she stretched out her hand to tuck a strand of her loose hair behind her ear,

"The godmother fell in love with you, and also felt that it was not easy for you to support a family, so she always wanted to come over and help. You also know that the godmother has no other skills."

"What did the godmother say, you love me, I'm not happy yet, how can I dislike it?"

Bai Ningxiang wrapped her arms around Li's, feeling warm in her heart. Comparing her mother with her godmother, she couldn't help but sigh with emotion. The person who reached out to protect her in the end turned out to be the godmother whom she recognized halfway.

(End of this chapter)

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