Chapter 448
Whether it's land reclamation or building a house, the godmother always comes to help, because she helps to guard it, which saves me a lot of trouble.

"By the way, godmother, turn around and take care of your second brother. Don't let him stay with Xu Maocheng all the time. I think that person has a problem with his character. In addition, this rumor has spread to Xu's family. In case something happens Son, it will not be a good influence on the second brother."

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's tone, Li Shi's complexion suddenly turned dark.
"Sister Xiang, I won't be angry if you don't mention it. Do you know that your second brother's idiot, when he mentions Xu Maocheng, his eyes are full of admiration, saying that he is very knowledgeable and well-informed, and discuss everything with him. Always enlightening..."

Hearing the godmother's angry tone, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help but be surprised, "Huh? Is that good?"

It seems that she underestimated Xu Maocheng.

"It's not a big deal. I've seen that Xu Maocheng before, and he also came to our house as a guest. Anyway, I don't think that Xu Maocheng is real, but your second brother is fascinated and thinks he has unique insights."

Mrs. Li sighed helplessly as she said that, her stupid son was about to be abducted.

Hearing the godmother's indignant tone, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help twitching the corners of her lips, Bai Xiangan was indeed too sincere.

However, it is also due to his lack of knowledge that he feels that Xu Maocheng is better than himself in every way.

"Godmother, tell him later that you can study with peace of mind before you leave the stage. You must have solid basic knowledge in the exam for a scholar. When he wins a scholar, you promise to let him go out to study for a while."

As long as you don't get mixed up with Xu Maocheng, the big deal is that when you go to Qingdu to deliver tea, you will take your second brother to Qingdu to experience it and let him see that there are people beyond others. Xu Maocheng's knowledge is not worth mentioning.

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's proposal, Li slapped her thigh and agreed directly.

"Ha~, pay attention to this, I will tell him when I get back, let him stay at home and prepare with peace of mind, I heard that he will be able to finish in mid-March this year, it is indeed time to study in peace."

It saves him holding a miscellaneous diary every day and reading it day and night.

After sending Li Shi away, Bai Ningxiang flicked off the dust from her body, stood in the yard and watched not far away to help her little uncle and aunt.

"Ding Yang, what do you think of Uncle Zhang's character?"

"Simple and honest, I don't see greed at the moment." Ding Yang hugged his shoulders, glanced at a couple in the distance, and gave a pertinent answer.

"I also think it's good. If I teach him the art of tea making and let him work as a tea maker in a tea factory, what do you think?"

"There's no rush for this, it's still under investigation."

Bai Ningxiang caressed the ring on her ring finger. Little aunt's life was difficult. If she was willing to stay and let little uncle learn a craft, it would be a good choice to live in Bashan Village.

I just don't know what attitude my little aunt will have?

If she still hates here and is afraid of the past, she can't force her to stay.

"You're right. The godmother only said that Uncle Zhang's family is poor, but she didn't say whether there are any brothers and sisters in his family, and what kind of character is he? You have to find out clearly."

After dinner, Yun Ni came back, "Miss, I found out. The rumor that you were plotting against the second girl was spread by the second girl herself. I heard that she accidentally slipped her mouth. When the neighbors came to borrow tricks, she I couldn't help complaining a few words."

"Bai Ningxue is really able to fight it out, isn't she afraid of being beaten in the end?" Bai Ningxiang was lying on the soft bed, her expression was unclear.

 The four thousand is over~ After my aunt sends it away, I will make up for it~
(End of this chapter)

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