Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 449 Someone is jealous of her family property

Chapter 449 Someone is jealous of her family property
Not to mention, Bai Ningxue is also a ruthless person, if she is ruthless to others, she is also ruthless.Thinking of this, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help laughing, determined not to underestimate anyone here.

Bai Cha pinched her waist and snorted angrily, "I think the second girl didn't follow her good intentions and deliberately smeared our girl's reputation. Anyway, she is also engaged, and she gets tired of being with that fiancé every day. She is shameless and wants to give it to her." Let us girls stumble."

"But she even scolded herself, so what is she trying to do? Just to discredit the boss?"

The little man leaned on the bookshelf beside him, looked at the few people in the room, "Don't you think it's strange to hear rumors?"

Listening to the little man's tone, Yun Ni also felt that something was wrong, "Girl, what the little man said is good, what is the purpose of the second girl doing this?"

"Kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred."

Ding Yang hugged his shoulders, and said in a cold voice, thinking of Bai Ningxue's appearance, it would be a little less self-destructive.

Bai Ningxiang moved to a comfortable position, and gestured to caress the ring on her ring finger.

"If you didn't say it, I would have ignored it. Think about it, the rumors in the village don't seem to be aimed at me alone, right?"

Several people were reminded like this, and they went through it again from beginning to end, only to discover the doubts in it.

Although it is a rumor, there are suspicions of exaggeration, but it has completely deteriorated, which is somewhat unreasonable, as if someone deliberately took advantage of the opportunity to fish for fish.

"Miss, the rumors in the village should not be spread by only one person. The second girl's rumor only said that you planned her marriage, and she was just a victim, but the other rumors said that the second girl and Meng's robbed your marriage. This rumor It runs counter to what the second girl said."

As Yun Ni said, she stood up and walked around the room. After a while, her eyes lit up,
"Girl, the second rumor is obviously trying to separate Bai Ningxue and Xu Maokang."

Bai Ningxiang squinted her eyes, "Well, after that, the reputation of the two divorced people will be damaged, and there will be no good results in getting engaged..."

As soon as she said normal, Bai Ningxiang sat up abruptly.

That's right, both Bai Ningxue's and Xu Maokang's reputations were damaged, and she was also a victim if she was involved in it.

If they really divorced, it would be impossible for them to be alone. After all, there are rumors that she and Xu Maokang are a natural couple.

"It's really good calculation."

Bai Ningxiang sneered, her reputation was already strong, and coupled with the rumors of meddling in other people's marriages, her own marriage was completely ruined.

No, there is another way to go, which is to follow the rumors and make a couple with Xu Maokang.

In this way, it just dealt with the rumors.

"Yunni Dingyang, go and check, I want to see, who insists on making me tie Xu Maokang together?"

"Yes, girl."

Yun Ni and Ding Yang looked at each other, and gritted their teeth at the hidden hatred hidden in the dark. Originally, they thought that being a maidservant for a girl in the mountain village should be nothing to worry about. few.

After Bai Ningxiang ordered, she leaned on the cushion again, her eyes swept over the furniture and several servants in the room, the corners of her mouth curled up, but her eyes were still cold.

Some people are jealous of her family property.

"Check Xu's family first, the key point is Xu Maocheng."


Seeing the boss's sneer, the little man rubbed his arms, "Boss, do you suspect that Xu Maocheng is a scholar?"

(End of this chapter)

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