Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 450 It's All One Way

Chapter 450

Bai Ningxiang caressed the jade ring on her ring finger, with a sneer on the corner of her lips, "I don't want to doubt him, but who makes him hate the most?"

"Recently, he frequently appeared in front of my eyes. He kept getting close and annoying, and then there were all kinds of rumors. Think about it, if I get married with Xu Maokang, who will benefit the most?"

Listening to Bai Ningxiang's narration, several people looked at each other, still a bit puzzled.

"I thought about it, Xu Maocheng is the one who benefits the most. If the boss is engaged to Xu's parents, as the elder sister-in-law, it is natural for the younger uncle to study. Although the Xu family's family background is also good, it is still a bit stretched to support a student for a long time. It will be different if you add the boss’s dowry.”

Not to mention that the boss's dowry can support a student, even the ability to make money is unlimited.

For more than a year, she followed the boss and learned a lot.She knew that in this period, it was very costly to support a student, and it was difficult for ordinary families to bear.

As the little man said, he approached Bai Ningxiang enthusiastically, "Boss, am I right in my analysis?"

"Your analysis makes sense, and I think so too."

Bai Ningxiang sneered, it wasn't that she was maliciously speculating on Xu Maocheng, but that there was another Jiang Wenxue in front of her, and the two of them together seemed to be in the same way.

"All calculations are ultimately profitable. Xu Maokang looks like a simple and honest character. It's not surprising that he is played by his younger brother and applauded."

The strange thing is that Xu's parents followed the second son and plotted against the eldest son together. It seems that they put all their hopes on Xu Maocheng.

"Dare to plot against the boss, break his leg."

"If you want me to say that it would be better to break his hand, such a person is not worthy of studying."

Seeing the girl's cold expression, Ding Yang pursed his lips, "Girl, do you want me to throw him into the deep mountains to feed the wolves?"

"Lessons must be given, but evidence must be obtained. Although our guesses are almost inseparable, I still want him to admit it himself."

Only when he admits it with his own mouth, can he make a move and be ruthless.

In the first rebirth, no matter how she was calculated to be unable to move, she deserved it when she died.

Although there is no definite evidence yet, several people got together and discussed more than a dozen ways to kill Xu Maocheng.

Both Yun Ni and Ding Yang were sent out, and Bai Ningxiang continued to work in the tea factory with the boys.

Before Yun Ni and the others came back, Bai Ruyan came over first. When she saw this spacious and bright factory building, she became more certain of her thoughts.

Bai Ningxiang looked at her, pointed to the shed next to her, "Sit down."

"Thank you, big lady," Bai Ruyan withdrew her gaze, and looked at the indifferent big lady in front of her, "Did you hear the rumors in the village?"

"Heard part of it."

Bai Ningxiang fiddled with the teacup in her hand and began to make tea.

These days, everyone is working in the tea factory, and in the gazebo, Baicha has set up a small charcoal stove to burn hot water at any time.

"This kind of rumor is obviously aimed at the big lady, so you're not worried at all?" Bai Ruyan couldn't understand it. Since the big lady is smart, it's impossible not to know.

Bai Ningxiang poured her a glass of water, looked at her anxious face, and laughed in her heart, "I've asked the girl to check."

"I went to ask. The rumor was that the second cousin deliberately spread it to disgust you. Unfortunately, the rumors changed after spreading. The second cousin didn't expect to lose control. She hid herself at home and cried."

(End of this chapter)

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