Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 466 The feeling of warmth

Chapter 466 The feeling of warmth

Bai Huixia nodded happily when she heard the words, "Since we have decided to let Lesheng study here, your uncle wants to rent out a few acres of land in the family to collect some food. As for the ancestral house, we want to keep it for the time being. It’s good to go back and have a look sometime.”

"Little aunt has a plan." Bai Ningxiang didn't expect her little aunt to really figure it out. Speaking of which, she really admired her courage.

"Little aunt, I want to teach my uncle how to make tea, what do you think?"


Bai Huixia was taken aback, and almost threw the cup in her hand. The tea making skill is the skill of Sister Xiang's eating, so how can I easily teach others?
"No, no, tea-making skills are skills for eating, and your uncle can't learn it."

Without even thinking about it, Bai Huixia refused. It would be a great thing for Le Sheng to stay and study. How could she be greedy for her craftsmanship?

Seeing the terrified appearance of her little aunt, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help but chuckle while her heart was warm.

"Little aunt, after Le Sheng went to school, the pen, ink, paper and inkstone alone cost a lot of money. If my little uncle has a skill, it will be easier to support my cousin in the future."

Without waiting for little aunt to object, Bai Ningxiang took her hand,

"Besides, my niece also has selfish intentions. In the future, our tea garden and tea factory will grow bigger and bigger. I will die of exhaustion alone. I don't worry about outsiders. If we are the tea masters, help me control it. Quality, even if I am not at home in the future, the tea factory will still be able to operate normally, with you and my little uncle watching over it for me, why should I worry about it?"

Listening to her niece's narration, Bai Huixia froze, "But your little uncle can't speak..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Bai Ningxiang, "Don't you still have your little aunt? As long as you study hard and help me become a small manager, it shouldn't be difficult."

Bai Huixia: "..."

Before coming to find her niece, she was still hesitant in her heart, but she didn't expect that Sister Xiang had already made plans for their family.

"Xiangxiang, how can you ask your aunt to thank you?"

Bai Huixia didn't know how many years she hadn't cried, because she was numb for a long time, and she lived day after day, waiting for Lord Hades to kill her at any time.

But now, she only felt that her eye sockets were hot, and by the time she realized it, tears were streaming down her face.

"Don't cry, little aunt, the days will only get better and better in the future, maybe one day Lesheng can earn your life back for you."

Listening to her niece's relief, Bai Huixia wiped away her tears and couldn't help pinching her cheek,
"Auntie doesn't care about whether he is ordered or not. I just hope that he can read and understand, and be like his uncle, a man who can stand up to heaven and earth."

"As long as little aunt teaches well, it will be fine."

The two of them whispered to each other, and they finalized the future of Uncle Zhang's family.

"Since this is the case, I have to go back quickly and come back before Qingming, so I can't delay Xiangxiang's important event."

Over the years, the tempering of life has long changed Bai Huixia's character, she just does what she says, and she dare not procrastinate at all.

"Ahem... By the way, Xiangxiang, my sister-in-law seems to know about your proposal of ethnology. It was because my aunt didn't pay attention for a while and she slipped her mouth. My sister-in-law seems to be angry."

Thinking of her mother in the backyard, Bai Ningxiang suppressed the emotion in her eyes, "Don't worry, little aunt, don't worry about mother, I have my own plans."

(End of this chapter)

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