Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 467 The Difference Between Mother and Daughter

Chapter 467 The Difference Between Mother and Daughter
Bai Huixia nodded. During the days she lived here, she always felt that her sister-in-law was different from before, but she couldn't put it into words.

"Xiangxiang, your mother's temperament is a bit twisted, don't get angry with her... After the elder brother left, she felt uncomfortable, and it's understandable for her temperament to change a little."

Seeing the neither sad nor happy expression of her niece, Bai Huixia felt uncomfortable. If it is said that she is close, she must be inclined to Xiangxiang, but it is not easy for her sister-in-law to be a widow at a young age. All she can do is to explain and persuade her Niece, let her be more humble.

As an aunt, she also loves to let the daughter humble her mother, but the mother and daughter are always competing, which is not conducive to family harmony.

Bai Ningxiang looked at her little aunt's loving eyes, smiled gently,
"Little aunt, don't worry, I won't have trouble with my mother, and I won't be angry with her. It's just that sometimes I have to let her understand that if she wants to be a housewife, she can't get things done just by being stubborn."

"It's okay for my mother to value Brother Xing, but she can't guard him forever. Sooner or later, Brother Xing will go out to make a living, otherwise he won't be able to support him."

Bai Ningxiang looked at her little aunt with a helpless expression,
"If children want to grow up healthily, how can they have no playmates? This is also the original intention of my proposal to establish ethnology. Getting along with others has to be cultivated from an early age. As a sister, how can I bear to see Brother Xing being isolated by the people around me?"

Born in the countryside, one has to fit in with others and develop a character of adapting to circumstances.

Even if he lives in the Fucheng in the future, he still has to adapt to the life in the Fucheng. He is calm, flexible, calm and calm to be a qualified heir to the head of the family.

Bai Huixia nodded, and reached out to pat her niece's shoulder, "Thank you for your hard work, it's better to take your time now that Brother Xing is still young, and sister-in-law will understand."

On the same day, Bai Ningxiang sent a carriage and asked Zhao Dahai to drive, and the family of four went home.

At the same time, the foundation of ethnology has also begun to be laid. Bai Ningxiang calculated the time. Custom-made desks and benches also take time. She has to order the carpentry store in advance, so as to save all the things together, and then be in a hurry .

After she had a plan in mind, she planned to go to the town in person to settle the matter, and ask Zhao Xian by the way, asking him to help introduce a good-quality wife.

After breakfast that day, Yun Ni just got into the carriage and was about to set off when she was stopped by Mrs. Shen.

"Xiangxiang, I heard that the clan is going to run a clan study?" Shen looked at her daughter with a complicated expression.

"Yes, it has been rebuilt. The people in the clan have raised funds. I have promised the clan leader that we will bear the expenses of the tables, chairs and benches of the ethnology and the support of the wife."

Bai Ningxiang nodded and admitted directly.

"Brother Xing will be enlightened in another year, how do you plan?"

"The ethnology was funded by the Bai family. All descendants of the Bai family can be enlightened for free, and Brother Xing is no exception."

"What? Are you going to let Brother Xing go to ethnology with the children in the village?"

Shen's eyes widened in shock, and the eye circles immediately turned red.
"Brother Xing will definitely follow a different path from the children in the village. What do you mean by letting him mix with the children in the village?"

"Children need playmates. Mother wouldn't want to keep brother Xing at home forever, so she wouldn't let him have any contact with others, would she?"

"That can't be mixed with the children in the village. Brother Xing doesn't need such a playmate. He just needs to study hard and get out of Bashan Village in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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