Chapter 477
"Hehe, there's a girl here, Madam doesn't have to worry about anything, she just needs to stretch out her clothes and open her mouth."

When Aunt Deng said this, she realized that Madam's face was a bit wrong, "Madam, what's wrong with you? But the old slave is talking too much again?"

"You're right, I'm really useless, because I have a good daughter."

As Shen said, she raised her hand to touch the hairpin on her head, looked at the new clothes in front of her, and looked at the big courtyard in front of her, and suddenly understood what Mrs. Lou said just now, that she does have a good daughter.

Seeing Madam's sad expression, Aunt Deng was startled, "Madam don't need to think too much, the girl will support you in everything, you just need to take good care of your body."

Shen: "..."

Look, even Aunt Deng can understand that all her safe life is given by her daughter.

She doesn't have to do anything to have everything.

"Aunt Deng, am I useless?" Shen raised her head and stared at Aunt Deng helplessly.

"······· Mrs. Madam is gentle and brought to tolerance. The old slaves look in the eyes ... with the character of the lady, I am afraid that I can't help it." Deng Yan watched the wife. With a terrified expression, he expressed his thoughts nervously.

Seeing his wife's face turning pale, Aunt Deng panicked, and quickly persuaded her,

"Ma'am, don't think too much about it. The girl may stand up and support the family because she knows your temper. Besides, she takes care of the house very well, so Madam, just feel at ease."

Listening to Aunt Deng's tone, Shen clasped her hands tightly, her face turning pale.

Yes, she doesn't have to do anything, she doesn't have to worry about anything, she has everything.

It wasn't until this moment that she realized that if Aunt Deng could say what she said today, the rest of the family should be able to do the same, right?
Thinking of this, she was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed, and didn't stop until she burst into tears.

In the past, she was acting like an elder, how ridiculous, her hypocrisy, in the eyes of others, should be ironic.

All of a sudden, like a deflated ball, Shen's whole body went limp.

"Aunt Deng, I'm tired, I'm going to sleep." After saying that, without waiting for Aunt Deng's consent, she staggered into the main room and fell asleep.

Aunt Deng patted her head in frustration, she was all to blame, she talked too much today, what if Madam gets irritated?

In the days that followed, Aunt Deng found that his wife was different. She not only moved Brother Xing from the bedroom to the next door, but also built a Buddhist hall on the other side, and even started to eat fast and chant Buddha.

At first she didn't care, since Madam is idle anyway, it's better to fiddle with things on her own than to think about it all day.

Seeing that the girl was so busy every day, she didn't say much, she just devoted herself to taking care of the back house, taking care of Brother Xing with the nanny, trying not to cause trouble to the girl.

It wasn't until Madam arranged the Buddhist hall and started not to come out for a whole day that she started to panic.

He wanted to tell the girl about his wife's situation, but seeing the girl's tired face every day, she didn't open her mouth in a daze.

These days, Bai Ningxiang has never been idle for a moment. She collects the green tea in the morning, spreads it out to dry, frys the green tea in the afternoon and kneads it until late at night.

Fortunately, there are little aunts and uncles to help with the green, even so, they are still so busy that they are paralyzed.

Every time I go back to the backyard, it's either at midnight or the sky is dark, and I just fall asleep.

 First two chapters~, there are more in the afternoon~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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