Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 478 Which chapter was stimulated by

Chapter 478
Therefore, she didn't pay attention to Shen's changes at all, and when she smelled the sandalwood fragrance in the air, it was already after Grain Rain.

After Grain Rain, the green tea picked before Lixia belonged to Sanchun tea. She wanted to make all Kung Fu black tea, so she handed it over to Xiao Nan and Bai Cha for full management, so that she could breathe a little bit.

Since the little aunt came back, the couple have been working hard with her to learn to identify the quality and quality of the green tea, and sometimes they have to explain it carefully to the little uncle.

Since he wants to train his uncle to be a master tea maker, he must first learn to identify the quality of tea greens, eradicate the tenderness of tea greens, and be able to accurately grasp the temperature of frying green tea and the degree of rolling.

Only when you learn the basics, you will be able to do it with ease in the future.

Bai Ningxiang spoke carefully, and the two of them studied hard. In just one month, they have already looked good. Next, as long as they don't get lazy, they can practice with coarse tea after summer.

Someone replaced her, so Bai Ningxiang came back after some time, took a shower and changed clothes, and got ready to take a good rest.

She squinted and leaned on the bed, Yun Ni was wringing her hair dry with a cloth towel.

When she was in a daze, she smelled a faint scent of sandalwood again, "Who lit the sandalwood?"

"The scent came in from the left side of the main room, so I'll ask the maid." Seeing that the girl's hair was almost dry, Yun Ni braided her fishbone loosely before turning around and going out.

After a while, Aunt Deng and Yun Ni came in.

"The old slave has seen the girl. The sandalwood fragrance in the yard is ignited by the lady. She built a Buddhist hall on the left side of the main room, and has been worshiping Buddha and chanting scriptures in the Buddhist hall for a while."

Listening to Aunt Deng's reply, Bai Ningxiang opened her eyes, surprised.

"Mother prays to Buddha and recites scriptures?"

In her memory, her mother has never had such a hobby. Although she is weak-tempered and occasionally burns incense to Bodhisattvas, it has nothing to do with worshiping Buddha and chanting scriptures.

Aunt Deng lowered her head, subconsciously rubbing her hands together,
"I was chatting with my wife a while ago, and for some reason, my wife suddenly became like this. The old slave thought that it's not a bad thing for my wife to recite Buddhism. The girl is busy, so I didn't tell you."

"What did you say to your mother? So abnormal?"

Bai Ningxiang looked at Aunt Deng calmly, but she was actually very curious in her heart, what stimulated her mother to suddenly change her temperament?

Aunt Ping once said to her that she is a doctor and only treats physical illnesses, not mental illnesses.

The mother is just digging into a dead end, in addition to explaining it more often, she has to figure it out by herself.

"... That day Mrs. Lou invited Mrs. Lou to see the scenery, but Mrs. Lou refused, and Mrs. Lou said that Mrs. Lou gave birth to a good daughter. At that time, the old slave got angry and said a few more words, saying Mrs. Blessed, You don't need to do anything, as long as there is a girl around, you can live comfortably."

Aunt Deng said, looking at the girl's parallel expression, she felt a little uneasy.

"As I was talking, I mentioned the orphans and widowed mothers in the village. The old servant saw them being bullied by the bums in the village, so he learned it from his wife as soon as his head got hot. After that, his wife's expression changed... "..."

Aunt Deng thought about it, but she didn't find anything wrong. She gritted her teeth and taught the girl the conversation at that time.

Listening to Aunt Deng's narration, Bai Ningxiang glanced at Yun Ni, and she shrugged her shoulders speechlessly, expressing that she didn't understand.

(End of this chapter)

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