Chapter 497

While talking, a group of people also arrived in front of them, Bai Ningxiang turned her head and looked over, there was indeed a pink figure among a group of aunts and women.

With a small and exquisite figure, with curved eyebrows and eyes, her hair is tied up in a slanted bun, with two silver hairpins and a rose-red velvet flower, which complement her clothes, she is indeed a beautiful woman from a small family.

"Hey, Miss Xiang, what a coincidence, are you back from going out?" Mrs. Liu saw Bai Ningxiang, and walked out with a smile.

"Third Aunt is seeing off the guests." Bai Ningxiang nodded, glanced at the five or six women in front of her, and said politely.

Before Liu Shi could speak, a woman in a navy blue cotton dress beside her quickly took a step forward, looked Bai Ningxiang up and down, and smiled.

"This girl is the daughter of Da Fang? She looks really iconic, look at this dress, she is so smooth and sleek, she is really stylish."

"The old aunt of the Lu family is right. Our sister Xiang is a person of great ability, and we can't find another one from ten miles and eight villages." Hearing the old Lu's tone, Mrs. Liu immediately puffed up her chest, He proudly praised him.

A younger aunt who was following old Lu Shi looked at the yard behind Bai Ningxiang with her head, followed Liu Shi's words, and echoed her words.

"Liu's sister is right. This is the first time we have seen such a handsome sister. From now on, we will be in-laws, so we need to walk more."

"Sister-in-law, what are you talking about?" The woman in the rose red dress blushed, looking at Bai Ningxiang's outfit with undisguised envy in her eyes.

"Oh, it's all a matter of certainty, why are you shy, sister-in-law?"

The woman known as sister-in-law glared at her coquettishly, then turned around and pulled the old Lu Shi beside her, "Mother, my wife is not talking nonsense."

The Xiang family is the last link, and at this point, it is almost inseparable.

"Hehe, Feng'er, what your sister-in-law said is right, we will be a family from now on, and we are all relatives, and we will be more intimate if we move around more."

Old Lu patted his daughter's hand, looking at Bai Ningxiang with loving eyes.

Look at the girl's clothes, look at the big yard in front of you, you can see that life is going well.I heard that the man in the eldest house of the Bai family died, and the sisters in the family have been mourning for three years, and they only got rid of their obedience last month, and they are not engaged yet.

When Feng'er gets married, she needs to move around more. Several grandchildren in her family have reached the age of discussing marriage.

The more he thought about it, the more pleasing old Lu's eyes looked at Bai Ningxiang, "My good boy, we are Lu's Village, not far from here, if you pass by in the future, come and sit with us, and let grandma treat me well."

Bai Ningxiang looked at her eyes, frowning slightly, the old lady stared at her eyes, like a dog seeing bones...
A stranger I met halfway greeted me warmly when I came up, and it was awkward to hear.

"The old man is polite,"

"You're welcome, you're welcome, grandma..."

Before the old Lu could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Lu Feng'er, she pulled the old lady's arm, "Mother, it's the first time we met her, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Feng'er, you girl, mother, don't you think the child likes it?"

Lu Feng'er took a step forward, with apologetic eyes, "Sister Xiang, I'm really sorry, my mother is getting old, and she is usually surrounded by children and grandchildren, she is used to speaking casually, don't mind."

(End of this chapter)

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