Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 498 2 Marrying a daughter is worthless

Chapter 498
Bai Ningxiang watched the mother and daughter coming and going, smiled gently,
"This Auntie, it's the first time we meet, and I can't call you casually. It's getting late, and Lu's Village is still a little far away from here. I won't keep you here. Go slowly."

After saying that, regardless of the expressions of the people, he turned around and entered the courtyard.

The members of the Lu family looked at each other, Lu Feng'er's face froze, and subconsciously raised her hand to touch her own face, what did that girl call her just now?

Does she look that old?

Liu Shi suppressed her smile, she knew that Sister Xiang's advantage was not so easy to take advantage of, these people really didn't know what to do, they just wanted to play tricks when they met for the first time.

"Hehe... Don't mind, old aunt of the Lu family. Our sister Xiang is usually very good-tempered. I'm afraid there are many people here today, so I'm sorry. Okay, it's getting late, so I'll give it away , you always walk slowly."

Saying that, he waved at Sister Yan who was on the side, "Sister Yan, let's go back too, there's still a lot going on at home."

"Hey~," Bai Ruyan looked at the people of Lu's family, smiled slyly, and went back holding Liu's arm.

Everyone paused, and the eldest daughter-in-law of the Lu family stomped her feet, "Let's leave us here? After all, we are also guests. One can't get in, and the other throws us halfway. How can there be such a blind date?"

"Oh, sister-in-law, they have already sent us to the village, what do you want to do, can't we be sent home?" The woman next to him of a similar age smiled and patted Lu's daughter-in-law on the arm, making fun of her.

The daughter-in-law of the Lu family pursed her lips, looked at the sister-in-law beside her, and snorted, "This is also because my sister-in-law is a second marriage, and people don't pay attention to it. If she is a big girl, she will definitely be held in the palm of her hand."

A second married daughter is worthless.

"Sister-in-law, you... why did you bury me like this? If it weren't for that short-lived one, do you think I would like to?"

Lu Feng'er was slapped unceremoniously by her sister-in-law, feeling ashamed, her eyes turned red, and she ran straight forward.

Old Lu stomped his feet and glared at the eldest daughter-in-law, "Say a few words to me, Feng'er is a miserable person, why do you bother to sprinkle salt on her scar?"

"Mother, what I said is the truth, we will be left hanging here."

As the eldest daughter-in-law, it's not bad for her to tolerate her younger sister living in her mother's house for half a year. If she didn't want to find someone to marry her off and take the opportunity to receive some dowry, she would have kicked her out of the house long ago.

"Mother, let's start with the ugly words of the daughter-in-law. The Bai family is a good candidate. You should also persuade my sister-in-law to let her live a good life in the future. Don't look at the high mountains from one mountain to the other, and innocently implicate our children of the Lu family."

"Boss daughter-in-law, what nonsense are you talking about, this is outside, how can you blame your own sister-in-law?"

Hearing his daughter-in-law's tone, old Lu directly lowered his face. She turned a blind eye to what happened at home. If her daughter's marriage was affected by inappropriate words, she would never let her go.

The people of the same clan who came to see each other saw the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law making noise regardless of the occasion, and their expressions were not good, and they urged to leave as soon as possible, so as to save embarrassment.

Seeing a group of people leaving muttering, Yun Ni shook her head and went back to the backyard.

"Girl, the Lu family had a quarrel at the door and left."

Yun Ni sat on the embroidered pier next to her with a look of disgust, drool, and narrated the dispute at the door to the girl.

(End of this chapter)

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