Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 523 Rongcheng Mutual Market

Chapter 523 Rongcheng Mutual Market
"Is there a time limit this time?"

If time permits, she would like to take Yixiong to visit his tea garden, and let him see for himself how magnificent her tea garden is.

"The time is loose, but I can't let those Xiao Xiaoxiao continue to hop around. They only harass the people at the border. Daqing's national prestige cannot be desecrated."

No matter how the court fights internally, but externally, it can only take tough measures.As a general, no matter what, he could not tolerate being invaded by barbarians.

"The leader of the border army is called Lu Ran. He is a rank-five ranger general. He is quite skilled in martial arts, but he is proud and arrogant. He used a lot of third-rate methods, and Lu Ran is not familiar with them, so he will suffer some disadvantages when he meets these people."

Listening to the brother-in-law's narration, Bai Ningxiang looked a little dazed. She remembered that a mutual market had been opened in Rongcheng, and people and merchants on both sides could freely enter and exit. It was a very prosperous city.

It is said that the opening of the mutual market was a treaty signed by the previous monarch when he was in power. For the sake of the peace of the people and to prevent the barbarians from harassing the people, Rongcheng was designated as a mutual market.

In this way, whether it is a Nanman businessman or a Nanman commoner, they can bring their own special products to exchange for some practical items.

She was thinking a few days ago that she would also go to Rongcheng in a few days to exchange for some big-leaf tea seedlings and come back to make big green cakes.

If the two sides start a war, the bilateral market will definitely have to be cancelled.

"Brother Yi, do you want to fight?"

"Not for the time being. The Nanman are not stupid. They only dare to test, but they dare not send troops easily. The weather in Daqing has been good for the past few years. The people live and work in peace and contentment, and the treasury is full of food and grass. The monarch is not afraid of sending troops."

"But Nanman is different. The climate there is harsh. In summer, there is continuous rain. Even if it is suitable for rice planting, but because of the rain, the output is insufficient. After the opening of the mutual market in Rongcheng, what Nanman merchants are most willing to do is Use their jade to buy food."

Han Jing said, looking at Bai Ningxiang's surprised eyes, she chuckled, "The aristocratic families in the Daqing Kingdom like to collect jade and jadeite of various colors the most. Rongcheng's ability to maintain a mutual market is also inseparable from this."

"Then after our food has been purchased in large quantities, isn't it a joke that they use the food they get from us to feed their troops and attack us again?"

Bai Ningxiang couldn't figure it out, she only knew that food is the most important thing, just like weapons, it belongs to the country's most important weapon.

"Hehe, you're thinking too much, girl. Whenever foreign merchants come to purchase grain, they must be stamped by the government. Only merchants who issue seals are eligible to purchase grain, and there is a quantity limit."

"If it exceeds the quantity specified by the government, even if it is purchased, it will not be shipped out."

When Han Jing said this, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of lingering flashed very quickly.

"If it is discovered that food has been tampered with privately, once it is seized, not only will the food be confiscated, but it will also be a felony of beheading."

Bai Ningxiang listened to the brother-in-law's explanation, as if she had opened up a new horizon, "So that's the case, there are treaty restrictions, and the other party really doesn't dare to break the law blatantly."

"Well, it can indeed restrain a group of people, but every year, some bold adventurers with a fluke mind are inevitable."

Over the years, private transactions have always existed, and no matter how severe the sanctions are, there will always be people committing crimes, and it is still a kind of cooperation between the inside and the outside.

(End of this chapter)

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