Chapter 524

Listening to her righteous brother's narration, Bai Ningxiang suddenly realized that the peace she saw in her eyes actually contained so many dangers. Fortunately, she always believed that the border was peaceful and peaceful, and there was no harassment from foreign enemies.

It turned out that in places they couldn't see, there was always a group of people, like righteous brothers, carrying forward with heavy burdens, blocking all risks for ordinary people like them.

"Brother Yi, since these changes are small-scale, the monarch sent you to investigate, is it open or secret?"

"It's a secret for the time being. If it involves a wide range, no matter how big the secret is, it won't be a secret."

Han Jing turned her head to look at her, and smiled gently, "Don't worry, girl, those people are just looking for money and profit, and won't provoke ordinary people."

"Of course I know this. Not only do they not dare to provoke ordinary people, but they also use ordinary people to hide their identities. Naturally, they won't ask for trouble. However, it should be very dangerous for the righteous brother, right?"

People die for money, birds die for food, it has existed since ancient times.

Naturally, she wouldn't think too much about these things, but she had to worry about the situation of her righteous brother. Wouldn't it be very dangerous if someone found out his whereabouts?

"Brother Yi, what can I do for you?"

"You just have to be good."

"I don't want to put you in any danger."

Bai Ningxiang raised her head and looked at him sincerely. Those opportunistic people will hide, and they hide among ordinary people. If they do something, it will be hard to guard against.

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's worried tone, Han Jing stopped and looked down at her. When he touched the worry and anxiety in her eyes, his heart was soft, but he couldn't help but panic.

In his eyes, this girl has always been strong, and he has never seen her like this.

At this moment, Han Jing still doesn't know that in Bai Ningxiang's heart, he is all sustenance.

Bai Ningxiang stared at Yixiong's face, looked at his star-like eyes, and directly reached out to hold his arm,

"Brother Yi, talk to me?"

"Huh~? Girl, what do you want me to say?"

Han Jing looked down at the little hand holding her arm, with a slight smile in her twinkling eyes.

"You are a smart girl. You should know that doing anything is risky, especially those of us who are generals. When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible."

As Han Jing said, she raised her hand and pinched her brows, "Brother Yi is a general and a citizen of Daqing. He is full of passion and wants to serve the court. There are many people like Brother Yi. Boy, we can't hide back."

"Because of these things, someone has to do it."

He was accompanied by a group of passionate men, they had people to protect, and they had themselves.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

That can't put yourself in danger either.

Touching the warm and firm eyes of the righteous brother, she couldn't say anything to persuade her.

"... What I mean is that the enemy will hide. You are showing that they are hiding, and it is easy to be plotted against."

Han Jing looked at the little girl who was obviously very worried, but she didn't dare to speak out. She was so distressed that she really wanted to hug her in her arms and take her with her wherever she went, so as not to worry her.

"Don't worry girl, brother Yi is not a vegetarian. Before I came, he had already divided into two groups, one in the light and the other in the dark, and cooperated with each other. Otherwise, why did you think brother Yi didn't sleep at night and came out for a stroll?"

Looking at her still worried eyes, Han Jing couldn't help but kissed her on the forehead.

"You are not big, but your mind is not small."

(End of this chapter)

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