Chapter 533
When Bai Ningxiang woke up, her eyes were full of confusion, she rolled her eyes to look at the surrounding situation, sat up suddenly, and almost fell off the couch.

When she saw Yun Ni dozing off by the bed, she suddenly remembered that everything last night was not a dream.

"Brother Yi,"

Bai Ningxiang rushed to the bed, looked at that familiar face, her heart sank suddenly, before she could ask, Yun Ni had already woken up.

"Don't worry, girl, the detoxification pill has already worked, and you should be able to wake up at noon."


Bai Ningxiang let out a sigh of relief, and looked at her sleeping Yi brother, except that her face was still pale, her complexion was indeed much better than yesterday.

"Girl, wash up, there will be guests coming in a while, and the girl still needs to say hello to Mrs. Lou."

Ding Yang came in with the wash water and reminded him softly.

"Ding Yang, today you stay by Yixiong's side. Yun Ni and I will go to the banquet. Remember, don't let anyone come near here." Yixiong was poisoned, those people must be aware of it, maybe they are trying their best to find someone right now. .

She resolutely does not allow her brother-in-law to be exposed to danger.

"Miss, don't worry, the young master will be fine." Ding Yang nodded, with her around, no one would even want to step into this room.

After washing, Bai Ningxiang changed into a pink-blue skirt, covered with a light blue gauze dress. Although it still looks simple and elegant, there are traces of silver threads interspersed in the texture of this skein skirt. Interlaced rays of light correspond to brilliance, low-key and luxurious.

The pink-blue jade belt outlined the originally slender waist more gracefully, and a suet jade plaque hung on it.

With her hair full of blue hair, Yun Ni tied her into a bun with her favorite white jade plum flower hairpin, and at the end of the bun, a butterfly bead flower was dotted.

The crystal-clear white jade plum blossom hairpin made her cheeks more radiant and fair, the corners of her cherry red lips were slightly upturned, and the big almond eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling. At first glance, she was kind and pleasant, but deep in her eyes there was a trace of A slight sense of alienation.

Yun Ni walked around the girl and praised, "Girl, with such a dress, your whole demeanor is completely different from before, and you exude a sense of elegance and nobility from the inside and the outside."

"What I want is this kind of effect. The more proud I am, the more no one dares to provoke me at will. In this way, I can come back sooner."

Bai Ningxiang looked at her outfit through the glass mirror, the corners of her lips curled slightly.

Although she didn't pay much attention to who Aunt Ping invited, she still knew a little about the girls who grew up in the county. These pampered girls usually looked down on country people, and thought they were vulgar and ignorant.

Therefore, brocade clothes and skirts can somewhat reduce troubles.

Seeing that the time was about the same, Bai Ningxiang gave Ding Yang another instruction, and then took Yun Ni to the main hall.

Mrs. Lou watched Bai Ningxiang appear, smiled and waved, "It's really hard to give up on the natural beauty, Xiangxiang can be called the beauty of the sky."

"Auntie is right, Sister Xiang is indeed stunningly beautiful."

Bai Ningxiang sighed helplessly, "Stop boasting, I know how much I have, and it's nothing more than a few good clothes to support the scene."

These skeins and jacquards were all given to her by her righteous brother, and they were all borrowed from his righteous brother.

Bai Ningxiang looked at Lou Chenlu's attire today, her eyes flashed brightly, as if she was cute and cute when she saw me.

(End of this chapter)

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