Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 534 Meeting an Acquaintance

Chapter 534 Meeting an Acquaintance
Although she is still dressed in a plain white gauze dress, she is wearing a cute hanging bun, the bow on the top of her head is dotted with a few white pearls, and her eyebrow-level bangs are softly attached to her forehead.

At this time, she was sitting on the chair next to her, with her hands resting on her abdomen, revealing a green bracelet, which made her hands more pink and beautiful.

Looking at her, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help sighing in her heart, the girl who was cared for carefully was different, there was an aura of aura from inside and outside.

"Sister Luer's well-behaved appearance is really enviable, I can't do that."

She can pretend to be dignified, but she has long since lost her well-behaved temperament.

"Sister Xiang just laughed at me." Lou Chenlu glared at her coquettishly, and then blushed.

The three of them sat in the main hall, talked for a while, and then went to the gazebo in the courtyard. After a while, Granny Lou, the gatekeeper, came in to welcome the guests.

"Ma'am, Miss, Miss Pei is here."

Bai Ningxiang looked at the person walking towards her, her eyes lit up immediately, she was wearing a bright red dress, the sun was like a fire, she was such a bright girl.

"Miss Pei is the prostitute of Yunwuxian's Patriarch Pei's family, Pei Yiyi."

Mrs. Lou made a point to the two of them, and when Pei Yiyi approached, she immediately greeted her with a smile.
"Welcome Miss Pei to my birthday party. This is my niece Chenlu, and on the right is my little friend Miss Bai."

"Greetings to Mrs. Lou. Yiyi is very happy to receive Mrs. Lou's invitation. I wish Mrs. Lou will remain young and healthy as before."

After Pei Yiyifu saluted, she asked the girl to present the congratulatory gift before greeting Bai Ningxiang and the other two.

"Miss Pei is beautiful, I didn't expect so many beauties to be hidden here in our Ba County." Lou Chenlu returned the gift and praised with a smile.

"Miss Lou is also a beautiful woman, why should she be humble?" Pei Yiyi smiled, just as they sat down to drink, her mother-in-law came in again.

"Ma'am, the county magistrate's daughter has arrived."

"Meng'er brought her cousin to congratulate Mrs. Lou on her birthday. I wish you a lot of smiles and good luck in everything." Zhou Meng said, blessing her body slightly, with a gentle tone.

"Thanks to Mrs. Zhou's concern, and thank you Miss Zhou for your enthusiasm." Mrs. Lou nodded, glanced at the cousin who was following her, and nodded.

Qin Yan has been obediently following her cousin, but when she saw Bai Ningxiang, her face immediately changed.

"Why are you here?"

Bai Ningxiang raised her eyebrows, "Today is Aunt Ping's birthday, of course I'm here to celebrate Aunt Ping's birthday, what is Miss Qin making such a fuss about?"

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's tone, Qin Yan clenched the handkerchief tightly, but before she could explain, Zhou Meng interrupted her.

"Miss Bai has misunderstood. My cousin may be surprised when she sees the girl's kindness. Please don't be offended."

As Zhou Meng said, she raised her eyes to look at her cousin beside her. Although there was a smile in her eyes, Bai Ningxiang saw a slight disgust.

"It's okay, Miss Qin and I met a few times earlier." Bai Ningxiang glanced at her gently, and replied softly.

"What Miss Bai said is, it's just that it's been a long time, and I'm a little surprised to see her suddenly."

Qin Yan's hand holding the handkerchief tightly, since she was raised by the county magistrate's wife last time, she has been living her life cautiously, for fear of offending her aunt and sending her back to her hometown.

She knew in her heart that her aunt no longer loved her as much as before.

(End of this chapter)

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