Chapter 548

"This subordinate is worried about the master, causing trouble for the girl?" Feng Yi already knew the situation outside, and his expression was very ashamed.

He had checked the Lou Mansion before, except for some girls and women, there was not even a nursing home... It was his carelessness.

"I thought it was good to do light work in your profession." Bai Ningxiang looked at his black outfit and said regretfully.

Feng Yi: "..."

He's good at light work, really.

But with the previous incident, he didn't have the face to speak.

Bai Ningxiang looked at Feng Yi's green and red expressions, but didn't care, and directly ordered Yun Ni, "Prepare the ingredients for the peach blossom cake, try to make it before dinner."

"Yes, girl." Yun Ni glared at Feng Yi, and joked gloatingly.

"Your lightness skill is really bad."

Feng Yi choked, wanted to lose his temper, but had no confidence, so he could only stare at Yun Ni with a blushing face.

Bai Ningxiang walked to the inner room, looked at her righteous brother who was leaning on the bed, "how is it, is it better?"

"It's fine once the poison is detoxified, and the rest will be fine for two days." Han Jing smiled gently, pointed to the chair beside him, and asked amusedly, "Aren't you afraid of self-defeating when you invite them to the yard to drink tea again and again? "

"Heh~, if they don't want to tear my face apart, they won't come in. People's hearts are so awkward. The more you are afraid, the more they want to find out, and vice versa. Of course, everything has a limit, and you can't Too much."

Today, she took advantage of people's hearts. When Qin Yan saw someone coming in, she talked so much nonsense, just to delay the time. Later, Ding Yang came forward to save everyone's curiosity.

Because of the misunderstanding just now, the atmosphere was already awkward, so naturally they wouldn't come in for tea.

Seeing the little girl's radiant look, Han Jing couldn't help laughing, "Smart ghost."

"If it weren't for Qin Yan's narrow-mindedness, none of these things would have happened."

However, today she repeatedly mentioned the Zhou family's tutor, Zhou Meng would naturally mention to Mrs. Zhou that Qin Yan should not be let out by Fang in a short time.

"I'll leave at night, and when I'm settled, I'll send the address over."

Running here to take refuge suddenly was Dazhu's impromptu idea, and also to avoid the pursuit of those people. Now that he is awake, naturally he can't cause trouble for the Lou family.

"Leave? Didn't the doctor say that you can't move for the time being." Bai Ningxiang looked at it disapprovingly, "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one can enter this courtyard."

It's nothing more than using your brain and finding a few reasons, it won't bother her.

"I'm fine, it's not as serious as what Wei Zixian said." Han Jing raised her hand and shook it in front of Bai Ningxiang, "In a few days, I will go to Rongcheng, which is the only city between Daqing and Nanman I want to go and check, how many people have sneaked into Daqing?"

Hearing her righteous brother's plan, Bai Ningxiang immediately became angry,
"Look at your abdominal injury, how can it heal in a day or two? The other party is cruel, tricky, and not in good health. What do you use to fight against others?"

She cleaned the wound with her own hands, and just looking at the length of the wound, one could tell that the other party had killed him.

"Don't you want someone to carry you back next time?"

Seeing him not cherishing herself so much, Bai Ningxiang was very angry, staring at him was full of mist, and her eyes were slightly red.

Han Jing: "..."

What are you crying for?
He is not going now.

"Girl, you are really..." It's terrible.

(End of this chapter)

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