Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 549 Peach Blossom Cake

Chapter 549 Peach Blossom Cake

Looking at the mist in the little girl's eyes, he couldn't say anything unnecessary, his heart was in a mess, he was born into a family of military generals, he suffered a lot of major injuries and minor injuries, and there was never a shortage of good golden sore medicine, like this kind of sincere It was the first time he felt the distress.

It's not that his mother doesn't care about her, but that his mother has never seen him get hurt. As for his father, in his heart, he is a man who bleeds but not tears, and being hurt is a symbol of bravery.

If Dazhuan hadn't brought him here while he was in a coma, the girl wouldn't have seen his injuries.

Just like my father said, women are made of water, so don't make them cry, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.

Seeing the little girl's eyes getting redder and redder, Han Jing was taken aback, "Okay, okay, I'll go to Rongcheng after I recover from my injuries."

"I know that you are a military commander and you have to complete some tasks, but you also have to think about yourself. You have brushed shoulders with death several times, and you always make yourself half dead. If you continue like this, your body will collapse. "

Bai Ningxiang looked into his eyes, and unceremoniously revealed his old background.

Han Jing: "..."

He seemed to have nothing to say.

"I'm going home tomorrow. Why don't you go home with me to recover from your injuries? In places like the countryside, most people won't go there easily. When you recover from your injuries, you can do whatever you want."

"Going home with you?"

Hearing her suggestion, Han Jing was stunned.The word "going home" was a bit weird to him.

"What's the matter, you don't want to?"

"No, even if I go back with you, I have to go back at night to prepare some things. How about meeting at the gate of the city tomorrow afternoon?"

Han Jing thought for a moment, it would be good to leave here, and when he recovers from his injuries, all arrangements will be almost done.

"Okay, let's do as you said." Bai Ningxiang thought for a while, but didn't object, "By the way, before you leave, you can ask Dr. Wei to show you again, if it really doesn't work, you can delay it for a day or two. "

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Han Jing would not argue with her on such trivial matters.

It wasn't until Yun Ni came back with the steamed peach blossom cake that the two reached an agreement.

"Brother Yi, I didn't eat much at noon, so I will pad my stomach with cakes first, and then I will ask Yun Ni to bring you a bowl of milk to replenish your strength."

"it is good."

Looking at the pink peach blossom cake, Han Jing picked up one and tasted it, it tasted glutinous, not bad.

When it was time for dinner, Bai Ningxiang came to the dining room with a food box, brought out the peach blossom cake,

"The climate in our mountain is different from others. Before we came here, we picked some fresh peach blossoms. I bought cassava flour in the morning. It is perfect for making peach blossom cake. Aunt Ping and Sister Lu'er try it, see if you like it?"

"Wow, it's really pink. I'm not willing to eat such a beautiful flower cake."

Lou Chenlu exclaimed in surprise, picked up a petal and bit it,

"Enen, it's delicious, sweet and glutinous, not sticky to the teeth, and looks good. The most rare thing is the sweet smell of peach blossoms. It's really made of fresh peach blossoms."

After Lou Qingping tasted it, he was also full of praise. When Ding Yang went out in the morning, he probably went to buy these things.

"Xiangxiang has a heart, I like it very much." Looking at Sister Lu's bright eyes, Lou Qingping looked at Bai Ningxiang with more loving eyes, such a sensible child is really hard to find.

"It's also a coincidence. When I was playing in the mountain stream, I came across a peach blossom that hadn't faded yet, so I picked it and brought it."

(End of this chapter)

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