Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 555 The word filial piety

Chapter 555 The word filial piety

Because there is no one behind her, her energy is limited, and she has no extra time to spend on trivial matters.The mother's gentleness and pettiness, the occasional coquettish and petty temper, would be fine if her father was around, but she no longer had the energy to deal with it.

Although she doesn't regret her actions, she doesn't want to hypocritically bear the word filial piety.

Thinking of this, Bai Ningxiang blushed and smiled apologetically,
"My mother has a gentle personality, and her favorite thing is orchids. Since her father passed away, she doesn't like them very much. Now she stays in the Buddhist hall every day and rarely comes out."

"As a daughter, watching my mother eat fast and chant Buddha every day, I can't be considered filial."

"It's hard for her too," Mrs. Li knew about this point in her heart. For a woman, it's understandable that her temperament will change after her husband's death.

For widows, if they don't want to marry again, it is also a kind of practice to be able to stabilize the Buddhist temple.Whether it's for your children or for yourself, it's all good.

The state of the world is like this, and it cannot be changed by just a few words from others.

"Miss Bai has done a good job. It is a blessing for your mother not to be bothered by the world."

Being able to sit peacefully in the Buddhist hall, eat fast and recite the Buddha's name proves that all the family members are dependent on the daughter.A daughter's family can support a family and can do this, which is already better than countless men.

She considers herself not a pedantic woman, nor is she stupid and ignorant.Although Miss Bai spoke only a few words, she could still understand the general idea.

Every family has scriptures that are hard to recite, and only you can know the ups and downs after you have tasted it.

The girl in front of me is already in charge of the family at a young age, so it's hard for her.

"It's no wonder that Miss Bai is so stable. If she is not in charge of the family, she doesn't know how expensive rice is. My sister Chun still doesn't know the grain."

"Mother, you can praise sister Bai, why drag me into the water?"

Li Xingchun turned his head and pouted his lips, "Who says I can't distinguish grains? I've been studying for a while. After a while, I might be able to go to the fields."

"You girl, when did you develop a bad temper? I can't say a word about you anymore?"

Mrs. Li shook her head, looked at Bai Ningxiang helplessly, "I have spoiled you all."

"My wife is kind, and I can teach my daughter well. Only then can Sister Li develop an innocent and lively character."

"In terms of peace of mind, I still hope that sister Chun can learn more from you, not arrogant or rash, quiet and well-behaved."

"At that time, my Madam will feel distressed." Bai Ningxiang was noncommittal, and said a casually polite sentence.

In her previous life, she heard Aunt Han say that in a harmonious family, the children are all obedient, benevolent and filial.

In her previous life, she didn't understand, and she couldn't see through, but now she can understand somewhat.

Mrs. Li looked at her and chatted for a while. To be honest, she really liked this calm personality, neither arrogant nor impatient, and she really had the demeanor of being a housewife.

Like it or not, if it were her own daughter, she still hoped that her daughter could live a carefree life.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the time, afraid of delaying her afternoon schedule, she got up and said goodbye.

"Forgive me, madam. I'm going to leave the city and go home in the afternoon, so I'm leaving."

"Going home in the afternoon? In such a hurry, I even asked the kitchen to prepare lunch." Mrs. Li gave her a surprised look, and thought of her daughter telling her the situation, she understood.

"There are many things at home, and it is not easy to stay for two days."

Bai Ningxiang stood up, repeated what she said yesterday, and when the house was tidied up, she decided to invite Li Xingchun to visit her.

(End of this chapter)

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