Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 556 Punishment for copying scriptures

Chapter 556 Punishment for copying scriptures
"In that case, I won't keep you." Mrs. Li nodded, took her daughter to the door, and then turned around and came back.

"Mother, I'm not wrong. Sister Bai is definitely a stable and generous person. Regardless of growing up in the country, her bearing is no worse than those noble girls."

Li Xingchun said with admiration in his eyes,
"Anyway, I'm not as good as her."

Mrs. Li looked at her daughter's admiration, and poked her forehead, "When did you become so self-effacing?"

Although she also thinks that Bai Ningxiang is good, she is still not convinced that her daughter is inferior. In her heart, her daughter is the best.

"I'm not self-effacing, but I have self-knowledge. I know I can't compare, but I still bite the bullet. That's stupid."

Just like Qin Yan, she insisted on provoking her even though she was one in the sky and one in the earth, but what was the result? Wasn't she humiliated and ashamed?
If what happened yesterday was publicized, even with Mrs. Zhou's relationship, those housewives would not choose a stupid daughter-in-law for their son.

Not disturbing enough.

"Hey, my son has a sudden enlightenment. It's really rare." Mrs. Li was annoyed by her. How many years has it been since she heard this girl be so self-deprecating.

Going back to the main hall and sitting down, just after taking a sip of water, I saw a gift box on the side, "I heard from Miss Bai that this gift was bought temporarily on the way, and I don't know what it is. Open it and have a look."

"I come."

Li Xingchun pulled away the tied ribbon, opened the cover, and took out a roll of gauze that was folded inside,
"The yarn made in Jiangnan, I was thinking about making a suit a few days ago, but I didn't expect Sister Bai to send it here."

"The color suits you too. Take it to the embroiderer and let her make it for you." Mrs. Li was taken aback when she saw the pink and purple color, and then laughed. Miss Bai is indeed a wonderful person.

"Thank you mother, I'll go right away." Li Xingchun ran out with the material in his arms, and almost bumped into Li County Magistrate who came in from outside.

"Young lady, why are you so reckless and hot-tempered? Are there any rules?" County magistrate Li held the door frame with an angry expression on his face.

"Father, my daughter didn't do it on purpose."

Li Xingchun was also taken aback. If his elder brother hadn't helped him in time, he might not be able to keep his front teeth.

"Father, are you alright?"

Before County Magistrate Li could speak, Mrs. Liu had already walked over and glared at her daughter fiercely, "You are so irritable, go back and copy the altar scriptures to me ten times, so you can calm your heart."

When he heard that he was asked to copy the scriptures, Li Xingchun boasted, "Mother, my daughter knows her mistake, she must correct it next time."

"Cough cough... Knowing your mistakes can make a big difference. Your mother is also doing it for your own good. The altar scriptures are not easy to copy, but the Diamond Sutra is good. Go ahead and copy it."

County magistrate Li glared at her, and spoke with dignity.

Li Xingchun: "..."

Don't you want to copy the scriptures?


Li Yueyang coughed lightly, "Little sister, you are indeed reckless today, brother thinks Yuanjue Sutra is also a good choice."

"" Li Xingchun pushed his elder brother away, and ran away with a wow.

Wow~, no one pleaded with her, they were all bad guys.

Seeing the person running away, the three of them glanced at each other with helpless expressions.

Seeing the father and son coming together, Mrs. Li ordered the girl to serve tea, "Why did the master come back with Brother Yang today?"

(End of this chapter)

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