Chapter 560

"It's good to know, who told you not to care, always making fun of your own life."

Bai Ningxiang didn't care about his teasing at all, being able to make jokes for her proved that she was in good health.

"Let's go, get home early and don't miss dinner."

With such a big wound and so much blood, how many old hens would be needed to mend it?

Han Jing half leaned on the cushion, reached out to pick up the book beside him, before he could read it, Bai Ningxiang snatched it away.

"What books do the injured read? It hurts the mind and is not conducive to recovery."

Han Jing: "..."

It wasn't his eyes that hurt him, did this girl care too much?
"Close your eyes and rest your mind. If you really can't sleep, let's just talk. You don't need to open your eyes, so you don't need to waste your mind." Bai Ningxiang sat beside her, propping her head with one hand, and said forcefully.

"Okay~, I'll listen to you." Han Jing raised the corners of her lips, and this girl dared to order him to recuperate blatantly.

Although it was the first time being disciplined, the feeling was not bad.

Bai Ningxiang glanced at the expression of her brother-in-law, and her old face blushed, "Ahem... I went to Li's Mansion as a guest in the morning. I met the county magistrate's wife and her daughter."

"Well, although County Magistrate Li is shrewd, he is still qualified as the parent officer of Ba County. This secret investigation also has his credit."

County Magistrate Li wanted to use him as a backer, so as long as he passed his test, it would be fine to protect him.

"And he also entrusted his eldest son to me, intending to let him join the military, and I agreed."

When Bai Ningxiang heard this, her expression immediately turned serious, "Look, I just said that I have nothing to attract Mrs. Li's attention, unless she knows about my relationship with you, she will throw stones and ask for directions."

Sure enough, every official has an exquisite heart for a moment.

Although Han Jing closed her eyes, she knew what she was thinking just by hearing the little girl's tone, so she couldn't help but chuckle.

"Girl is smart enough, you are indeed a stone thrown by the Li family to ask for directions... But, you don't have to take it to heart, everything is tied up with interests."

"Bundling of interests? If the interests are gone, don't we have to part ways?"

"It's not so easy to separate. Even if it is divided, the initiative is in my hands. The Li family has no foundation in the court. If he wants to find a backer, he can only firmly hold on to the Han family. He must not dare to give birth to two hearts. If not, we will If you can give it, you can naturally withdraw it."

Han Jing spoke gently, without any sharp tone.But Bai Ningxiang understood.

The honor and disgrace of the Li family are in the hands of the righteous brother.

Thinking about it, with the influence of the Han family in the court, the Li family may not be able to shake that big tree even if they have been chasing after him for 50 years.

"In this way, the Li family has been testing your attitude for a long time. As early as when I moved to a new house, Mrs. Li sent a confidant to give a congratulatory gift. With the patience of the Li family alone, maybe things will happen in the future of."

Thinking of Mrs. Li's demeanor, Bai Ningxiang switched hands from left to right and sighed.

Fortunately, she has a good sense of Mrs. Li, as long as it doesn't touch her bottom line, it's fine.

"Young girl's analysis is correct. County magistrate Li is indeed a man of the city. Otherwise, why is he sitting so securely in this small county town?"

He is not afraid of being a man who seeks to gain, and it is easier to deal with smart people. Sometimes he doesn't need to mention something himself, he can figure it out by himself.

Of course, there are also shortcomings, and I can't help thinking about the thoughts of the superiors. Of course, sometimes it's just random thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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