Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 561 Chapter Family

Chapter 561
"Since Mrs. Li has thrown out an olive branch, you might as well continue. The Li family is not bad, you can try to date, if you really don't like it, forget it."

Anyway, Dazhuan mentioned County Magistrate Li to take care of the girl secretly, but now there is no need for it.

"I also think that as for whether we can get along with each other, let's talk about it later."

Even if they have as many minds as the hornet's nest, they are not afraid, as long as they can distinguish the enemy from ourselves and not affect the brother-in-law.

The car wobbled forward. Because of the wound on Han Jing's body, they drove at a very slow speed, and it took them more than two hours to get home.

Fortunately, she made arrangements for Ding Yang to come back in advance, the carriage entered the yard, Bai Ningxiang jumped down, and let Dazhuo Hefeng help her into the east wing.

"Brother Yi, take a rest first, I'll send someone to call you when dinner is ready." Bai Ningxiang walked into the east wing, and saw Brother Yi sitting on the head of the bed, the bedding was all new, and the room was cleaned.

"The girl also went to rest. After running for a few days, she should have been tired long ago. After all, you are also a girl. You must learn to cherish yourself."

Han Jing shook her head helplessly, this girl is addicted to taking care of people.

"I'm at ease when I get home. I'm relieved to have my little aunt and boy taking care of me." Bai Ningxiang smiled, looked at the tired look on Han Jing's brows, told him to rest, and returned to the backyard by herself.

"Sister..." With an aggrieved voice, a little man waddled over.

"Brother Xing misses my sister?" Bai Ningxiang knelt down, hugged him with both hands, and kissed him on the cheek.

"I miss my sister." Xiao Douding's emotions came and went quickly, and imitated Bai Ningxiang's way, smacked her sister's face and kissed her saliva.

"My sister also misses Brother Xing, wondering if Brother Xing is eating well and making trouble?"

Bai Ningxiang picked her up and went back to the West Wing, "My sister bought cakes and candy for Brother Xing."

"Hee hee, my sister is so nice."

Brother Xing put his arms around his sister's neck and smacked his mouth, which made Bai Ningxiang burst into laughter.

Seeing the little guy eating on the beauty's couch, Bai Ningxiang looked at the nanny behind her, "Will Brother Xing behave well when I'm not around?"

"Girl, Brother Xing is easy to take care of. Besides eating and sleeping, he spends most of his time in the front yard playing with Da Hai."

Speaking of this, the nanny also found it strange that the young master actually liked the rough guys like Da Dahe and Dahe.

"It's good that you like the front yard. After Brother Xing is five years old, you can live in the front yard." Bai Ningxiang glanced at her, "Ma'am, have you been out of the Buddhist hall?"

Listening to the girl's question, the nanny rubbed her hands with a embarrassed expression,
"Madam also told me every day at breakfast time, let me take good care of Brother Xing, and then I will stay in the Buddhist hall for a day, even lunch is brought in by Aunt Deng."

Bai Ningxiang pursed the corners of her lips, "Got it, go down, tell Qiuniang, stew an old hen, add some ginseng slices, and make some easy meals for the rest."

"Hey, I'll do it now." Seeing Brother Xing eating happily, the nurse turned around and left.

Just after washing up, the little aunt came over with sister Qiao.

"I saw Yunni, and I know Xiangxiang is back, so come and have a look."

Bai Huixia saw her doing her own hair, and took the hand with a smile, "Did the journey go smoothly?"

After several months of recuperation, my little aunt's complexion has become much ruddy.

 severe cold

(End of this chapter)

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