Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 572 The Evil Capitalist

Chapter 572 The Evil Capitalist
"It's so light, I don't feel tired at all." As he spoke, the little man spun around two more times.

"That's good. There are still two crops of summer tea that need to be made into Kung Fu black tea. Thank you for your hard work."

Bai Ningxiang picked up the teacup, took a sip, and looked at the stunned boy, "What's wrong? Are you having trouble?"

"...No, I can overcome it."

Huh~, there is no such thing as a free lunch, the ancients never deceived me.

"Don't worry, I'll be responsible for harvesting the tea greens, and I'll leave the tea making to you. If you're busy for a while, you'll be able to rest completely. Come on."

After spring tea and summer tea are picked, autumn tea is no longer picked. If you want good quality tea, you must give the tea tree a proper buffer and recovery period to improve the quality of spring tea in the coming year.

Little boy: "..."

What can she say?
The evil capitalists know how to squeeze her.

Seeing her pitiful appearance, Yun Ni couldn't help but chuckle,
"Okay, don't pretend anymore. I heard that you are like an old master in the tea factory. When you eat, you open your mouth for tea and stretch out your hands. When you are tired, you still squeeze your hands with white tea to moisturize them."

"Why did I pretend, I was originally a technical director, what's wrong with being an apprentice and being filial to the master?"

Hearing Yun Ni's tone, the little man immediately puffed up his chest, and said quite proudly,
"If you want to learn my craft, how can you do it without putting in some effort. Besides, I don't need tuition fees for accepting apprentices. It's all for the sake of the boss."

Bai Ningxiang was too lazy to watch them play tricks, she got up and left, and promised to have breakfast with her brother-in-law, but she got up late on the first day.

After going out for a few days, everyone at home and outside needs her to go around and ask about the situation.

When passing by the front yard, Bai Ningxiang saw Dazhuo sitting alone in the yard in a daze, and couldn't help being curious, "Why are you sitting here alone, where is Feng Yi, and brother Yi?"

"Master had breakfast and rested again. Dr. Wei said that if you rest more, the wound will heal quickly. Feng Yi went to Lingjiao Peak and came back at night."

Dazhao stood up, scratched his hair, and smiled.

Bai Ningxiang glanced at brother-in-law's room, hesitated for a while, but didn't go in after all.

"You take good care of him. In the evening, I will ask Dr. Yang to come over and have a look. I will prescribe a diet prescription for Yixiong. If you need anything, you can just go to the kitchen and tell Qiuniang. I have already told her to take care of Yixiong at any time." Brother's diet."

"Thank you, Miss Bai."

Remembering that Miss Bai had prepared fifty old hens for the master, I couldn't help thinking about it.

To go to the backyard to check the construction progress of the house, you have to go around the front door.
Since their family settled in the village, it has become a bit more lively than usual. Whether the villagers go to the fields or chat their teeth, they all like to stay under the big willow tree.

"Sister Xiang, are you going out?"

"Go to the back to see the progress of the house."

"Sister Xiang is really amazing. Why did you suddenly think of building a house? Can't you live in such a big yard?"

"There are many people in the family, build an extra floor, and live more comfortably."

Saying hello all the way, when she saw the figure of the godmother, she wasted a whole stick of incense time.

"Godmother, thank you for your hard work." Bai Ningxiang walked in front of her, and saw that the godmother was carrying the steamer in full swing, inside were layers of freshly steamed white flour steamed buns.

"The girl said something about seeing someone else again, and the godmother is happy to help with the work."

This is Li's sincere words, no adulteration at all.

(End of this chapter)

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