Chapter 573

Sister Xiang has never interfered since she handed over the matter to her. This feeling of trust makes her feel very comfortable, even if she is a little tired, she is willing.

Bai Ningxiang helped her carry the basket, and Li Shi was sweating profusely as she took out the steamed buns.

She put a cloth towel on her shoulders, wiped it from time to time, and started to work cleanly.

"It's nice to have a godmother."

"Thanks to you, many people in the village envy the godmother."

Mrs. Li didn't hesitate, picked up a steamed bun, took a piece of steamed pork belly from the steamer next to it, put it in the steamed bun, stuffed it into Bai Ningxiang's hand,
"The steamed buns just out of the pan are paired with steamed pork. They are the most delicious. Hurry up and try them. You have to eat them with big mouthfuls."

Bai Ningxiang stared blankly at the steamed bun in her hand, opened her mouth to take a bite at the urging of her godmother, her eyes lit up immediately,
"Well, it's really fragrant and delicious."

"You are right, you are too skinny, live with your godmother, and it won't be long before your godmother will make you fat for nothing."

Mrs. Li puffed out her chest, and looked at the delicious food of her goddaughter, laughing happily.

"Pfft~, Mrs. Bai, you don't know much about it. It's not fashionable for people in the city to be too fat. It's popular to have a body that is weak... weak like a wicker, and can run when the wind blows. That's how you look good in clothes."

Aunt Qian straddled a basket and turned around from the mountain, when she heard Mrs. Li's words, her smile trembled wildly.

"What kind of wicker, that's called weak willow Fufeng."

Mrs. Li glanced at Mrs. Qian, and laughed, "We don't care about the people in the city, but I still think that only being fat and fat is a blessing."

"Although the words are good, but our sister Xiang is a person with great ability. Can I stay in the country for a lifetime? Sooner or later I will go to the city to be a lady."

Lee: "..."

Bai Ningxiang watched the two quarreling, and said with a smile, "I am the daughter of Bashan Village, no matter where I go, I can't change this. As for being fat or thin, I work hard. Whether I can gain weight or not depends on God's will. "

In the impression of the villagers, as long as people are raised fat, they are blessed.

Although she is noncommittal, but for herself, she refuses to be fat.

Seeing the girl holding a big white flour steamed bun in her hand, Yun Ni couldn't help but speak,
"Girl, is it delicious?"

Bai Ningxiang was taken aback for a moment, but couldn't help laughing.

"Try it yourself, don't you know?"

In fact, she still likes big pot dishes.

Stir-fry all the vegetables in a large iron pot, then add water to stew, then put the pre-steamed meat slices, meatballs and various fried goods into the pot and stew, and finally add salt to taste.

This is the big pot of rice that country people build houses and dig cellars to invite people to eat. Although the appearance is not high, the taste is still good. The key is to eat well.

In the end, Yun Ni couldn't resist, and asked Li Shi to put a steamed bun for her, and bit it down, the smell of wheat was mixed with the smell of meat, the taste in the mouth was indeed strange, but it was not annoying.

After eating a steamed bun, Bai Ning was full.

"Godmother, do your work first. I'll go to Master Li and ask if there is anything I need to help." Bai Ningxiang wiped her hands and walked forward.

"Miss Bai, I heard that you went out, when did you come back?" Master Li was holding a roll of ink thread, and was instructing his apprentices to measure the straight line.

"I came back yesterday, it was a bit late, so I didn't come here." I have built several houses in succession, and I have been familiar with them for a long time.

"But is there anything that needs to be changed?"

When building the house, although Bai Ningxiang requested the same scale as the first two yards, she did not dispatch emergencies.

(End of this chapter)

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