Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 613 It's a pity that some people's eyes are blurred

Chapter 613 It's a pity that some people's eyes are blurred

Hearing his mother's tone, Bai Ning's fragrance condensed, he wanted to escape from the world, but she didn't remind him, why bother to complain?
"The new house has just been built. Even if there is pine charcoal to dry, it will take time. Mother can wait for the house to dry completely before moving in. Why rush?"

For women, moisture and cold enter the body, and they will suffer when they are old.

Seeing the woman's expression, Shen's eyes flickered, and her expression was calm, "The pine charcoal has been baked for a few days, and it's almost ready. You can send someone to deliver my things."

"Since mother is willing, let's move."

Bai Ningxiang said, and directly ordered Yun Ni, "Send a few people over to help mother move."

Yun Ni glanced at Madam, then shook her head secretly, why bother?

In half a day, all the items related to Shen's were moved into the backyard under Yun Ni's command, not a single leaf was left.

Since then, Mrs. Shen lived alone in the backyard and never came out again, it was considered a complete escape from the world.

Bai Ningxiang stood in the empty main room. She and her mother had a happy time in a long time ago. Now that they have come to this point, there is no sadness or joy. It is no longer right or wrong.

"Girl, do you need to move your things to the main room?"

After the madam left, the girl was the only owner of the second courtyard, so naturally she could no longer live in the west wing.

Bai Ningxiang shook her head, "I don't need it for now, I'm going to order a set of furniture, the main room is arranged as a reception room, the next room is equipped with a Babu bed, and a beauty couch is placed under the window sill..."

In the future, it would be better to receive female relatives in the main hall. As for her, it can be arranged in advance, but she doesn't want to move in for the time being.

Yun Ni listened to the girl's explanation, nodded in agreement, and went to the town the next day to customize the furniture she needed.

In a blink of an eye, the day came for Bai's second son to get married.

Ever since Bai Ruyan came, Lao Bai really settled down, and never sent anyone to disturb her again.

Bai Ningxiang also followed the etiquette, and after sending a congratulatory gift, she forgot about it.

But her family lived in the village, and she knew about it when Suona Chuidadada passed by.

"Girl, the bride has entered the village. I heard that all the attendants are going to drink wedding wine. Are you going?"

Yun Ni came over and saw the girl sitting in the yard teasing Brother Xing while drinking tea, so she couldn't help asking.

"No, it's a mess, it's making a fuss." Bai Ningxiang shook her head and refused directly.

"What's so interesting about an old man marrying a daughter-in-law? Isn't our food delicious?" The little man was holding a pack of dried fish, chewing it with great relish, which made Brother Xing salivate.

"Here, let me grind your teeth with jerky." The little man took out a strip of pork and stuffed it into Brother Xing's hand, and sat beside him with his legs crossed, not to mention how leisurely he was.

Yun Ni glared at her, "There are no rules, even if the relationship is not good, he is still the girl's second uncle. We can ignore it, but we must not talk about it behind our backs, so as not to cause trouble for the girl."

"Okay, okay, don't say it if you don't say it, I still think it's a waste of saliva."

The little man glanced at the boss, and leaned on the chair, "It's not my crow's mouth. Even if the boss doesn't go to the wedding, with Lu Feng'er's urination, he has to deliver it to the door himself."

That woman, the first time she saw her, she knew that she was not a law-abiding person.

Yun Ni choked, but this time she did not object.

Everyone can see it, only Bai Er and the old lady's eyes are blurred, and they are happy to marry him in. In the future, the days of flying around will be inevitable.

(End of this chapter)

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