Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 614 Protect My Sister

Chapter 614 Protect My Sister
"I think, boy, you crow's mouth can't escape, because I also think that Lu Feng'er is restless and will definitely come over to bother our girl."

"Things that everyone can think of are not difficult to guess at all." Ding Yang folded his arms and leaned against the pillar beside him.

I have to say that Lao Bai's family is really bad at judging people, not to mention mistaking pearls for fish eyes, look at the few wives he married, none of them are educated and reasonable.

Now he came back with a flirtatious person, whose house is unknown, and he is obviously a prodigal.

Listening to the tone of several people, Bai Ningxiang drank tea quietly. She didn't care what the purpose of Lu Fenger's marriage was, as long as she didn't provoke her, it would be fine for her to live independently. If she dared to plot against her, she would only be worse than Meng Shi awful.

Yun Ni glanced at the girl, and couldn't help sighing secretly, it's unlucky that her girl has these relatives, and she can't even get rid of them.

"What's wrong?" Bai Ningxiang looked at Yun Ni's regretful expression, as if she had lost money.

"Cough~, it's nothing. The servant girl is not worth it for the girl. None of the people and relatives around me are useful. If one is not handled well, it may be dragged down."

Yun Ni touched her nose, looked at the girl who was as stable as Mount Tai, and didn't hide it, she directly said what was in her heart.

Hearing Yun Ni's tone, Bai Ningxiang was stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly,
"If you can't write two words in one stroke, there will definitely be some impact. Fortunately, the family is separated, and I don't want to interfere with other people's lives. As for mutual help, I don't count on them either."

Bai Ningxiang raised her hand and stroked Brother Xing's head, "In the future, Brother Xing will be the only one who can support me, and I will only have her as a relative who is connected by flesh and blood. But the premise is that I have to train him to become a talent."

"Girls don't have to worry about this. Brother Xing is a smart guy. With the guidance of a girl, it's hard not to think about it."

Yun Ni looked at Brother Xing, who was like a little squirrel, and reached out to pluck the little silver bell tied on his braid.

Although Brother Xing didn't quite understand, he knew how to be cute, "Sister, I will protect you."

The nanny has told him many times that he is a man, and he will be her sister's backer and protect her in the future.

Looking at Brother Xing's big black grape-like eyes, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help pinching his little nose,

"Brother Xing wants to protect his sister, so he has to eat more and not picky eaters, so that he can grow taller. Otherwise, you don't have the strength to protect your sister."

"Yeah, I must eat more, drink more grandma, and grow taller quickly." Brother Xing clenched his fists and looked up at Bai Ningxiang, seriously.

"Well, good, my sister is waiting for you to grow up."

Children's children's words are the most touching, and Bai Ningxiang is no exception.

In a blink of an eye, Brother Xing will be three years old soon. He is lively and easy to take care of. She just can't understand why her mother is willing to ignore him and just hide from the world?
Your own face really trumps everything else?
Even the son has to move back?

She couldn't figure it out before, and she is still confused now.

"Ms. Hall, the banquet is about to begin. Grandma asked me to invite you to the banquet."

While speaking, Bai Ruyan had already walked in, looking at the girls and servants in the yard, she felt envious.

It's a pity that she woke up too late, otherwise, she wouldn't be so unfamiliar with her cousin.

"Don't go, make a fuss."

Bai Ningxiang poured her a cup of tea, she was a junior, it didn't matter whether she went or not.

(End of this chapter)

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