Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 615 I Still Want To Be A Practitioner

Chapter 615 I Still Want To Be A Practitioner

Bai Ruyan looked at her cousin's expression with embarrassment. She knew that her cousin would not give her grandma face. Unfortunately, her grandmother didn't want to admit it. She still wanted to save face. She always put on the airs of an elder and was teased a few times before sending her off. coming.

"Ahem...Grandmother means that the eldest aunt doesn't like to go out, so the big lady can attend as a representative. Otherwise, relatives will think that our family is at odds."

Listening to Bai Ruyan's explanation, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Everyone in the village probably knew that their girls were not close to their grandmother, not even a dry one.

"Grandma always likes to do this kind of deceitful thing. We really can't talk about closeness. It's better to let relatives get used to it earlier, so as to save unnecessary trouble."

Bai Ningxiang looked at her with a half smile but not a smile. Grandma could choose to forget how ugly the mess was before, but she couldn't. No one can understand how hard she lived during those days.Naturally, it will not be easily forgotten.

Seeing the mocking eyes of the big lady, Bai Ruyan blushed, "Sister big, I was ignorant before, so I apologize to you."

She was instilled with too many selfish ideas by her mother before, and she wanted to climb high and become a young mistress.

After being hit again and again, she woke up and realized how ridiculous her previous thoughts were.

"Since you call me big lady, I won't argue with you. You just need to remember that you have to be kind and down-to-earth to live a stable life."

Bai Ningxiang looked at her, and in a blink of an eye, she was old enough to be engaged, not to mention, when people get busy, life flies by so quickly.

"Madam, there are quite a few people from the Lu family to see off their relatives. Grandma invited a few aunts from the same clan to accompany her. I don't know who mentioned it, saying that the hall lady is elegant and wants to see you in person. We happened to be having a lot of fun together. Grandma called me over to eat."

Bai Ruyan thought for a while, and said truthfully.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Let her a little girl go to dinner with the second uncle's natal family, what is the grandmother thinking?
Simply ridiculous.

It would be fine if the Lu family belonged to a kind family. The other party obviously had bad intentions. If she really went, would they be grateful or ridiculed?
The daughter of the Bai family is so casual, come and go as soon as she is called?

The little man swallowed the last piece of dried fish, clapped his hands,
"Look, what am I talking about? The Lu family didn't follow their good intentions. What does their marriage have to do with the boss? Why do you need to call our boss by name? Besides, even if you want to meet, you should call the second girl by name. It is reasonable and reasonable for the father to marry the stepmother and the stepchildren to recognize their relatives."

She dared to assert that the Lu family definitely wanted to establish a relationship.

"The little man is right. The Lu family wants to recognize relatives, so it won't be our turn." Yun Ni snorted, "Go over the second girl and run to the big room to recognize relatives. The Lu family has such a face, and they have a lively dinner together, bah , they deserve it too."

The old lady is also true, their girls are also Ying Yun's unmarried sisters and children, so what's the point of asking people to name them to accompany them?
The Lu family has thick skins, so they are embarrassed to mention it, and the old lady, as a grandmother, is also embarrassed to agree.

As I said just now, the girl is surrounded by relatives who are holding back, so they really haven't been wronged.

"Whoever suggested it, this subordinate will break their legs right now." Ding Yang's eyes were cold, and he shook the sword in his hand.

Bai Ruyan: "..."

The feeling of being maintained is really enviable.

(End of this chapter)

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