Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 616 Slap in the face

Chapter 616 Slap in the face

Although the cousin is not close to them, the people under her are really protecting her.

Unlike her, if something really happened, whether it was her parents or grandmother, they would protect themselves first.

As for her younger brother, he was taught to be selfish and unreasonable by his parents, and never treated her as a sister.

Bai Ningxiang put down her teacup, and the faint smile on her face also disappeared.

"The Lu family has nothing to do with me. Grandma can spare her face for the second uncle to marry a daughter-in-law. Does she still want to step on her granddaughter's face to cater to her in-laws?"

"I really don't understand, what is the purpose of marrying a daughter-in-law with poor conduct?"

Bai Ningxiang sneered, looked up at Bai Ruyan, her eyes were as cold as ever.

"Go back and tell my grandma that the little grandchildren's relationship between me and her is not enough for me to lower myself to accompany a group of irrelevant people. The Lu family is the second uncle's natal family, and has nothing to do with our eldest family. I."

"One more thing, go back and tell grandma that after being strangers, you will never see each other again. If grandma wants to, just continue to be a moth."

"······I see."

Hearing her cousin's attitude, she was not surprised at all.

In the past, she didn't think there was anything wrong with her grandmother's actions, but now, she felt that her grandmother's actions were really thoughtless.

If it wasn't for the lack of food at home, she wouldn't bother to go there.

Yun Ni sent Bai Ruyan to the gate, turned around and looked at the girl's thoughtful expression, and couldn't help comforting her.

"Girl, don't be angry. Fortunately, we have nothing to do with the old lady. It's not worthwhile to gain popularity for something irrelevant."

"I know, it's just annoying."

After all, she is the granddaughter of her grandmother, so even if she thinks about that trace of blood, she must defend her to some extent in front of outsiders.

Not only did they not, but they also followed the wishes of outsiders, catching up with others.

"Tell Dahai and Dahe that the concierge should be on the lookout. The people from the second room will not be seen when they come."

"Don't worry, girl, not a single fly can fly in." Ding Yang sat aside and wiped her long sword seriously.

A group of ignorant people really think that her girl has a good temper and is easy to bully?

Annoyed, it's all in one pot.

After Bai Ruyan went back, Lao Bai saw her come back alone, and his complexion immediately improved.

"What's the matter, but what's delayed?" In front of the guests, she had tried her best to endure it.

Bai Ruyan innocently shrugged her shoulders, leaned into Old Madam Bai's ear, and whispered.

"Grandmother, my cousin asked me to tell you something. She said that the relationship between you and my cousin is not enough for her to lower herself to have dinner with a group of irrelevant people. The Lu family is the second uncle's in-law's family. The room has nothing to do with it."

"The most important point is that my cousin asked me to tell my grandmother that after being strangers, I will never see each other again. If my grandmother wants to, just continue to be a moth."

After Bai Ruyan finished speaking, she straightened up, looking at her grandmother's blushing face, she felt a little refreshed in her heart.

Lao Bai clenched his fists, his chest couldn't help heaving up and down, and his head felt dizzy for a while.

"Auntie, what's wrong with you? But what's wrong with you?" As a sister-in-law, it's a rule and a courtesy for Lu to marry off her sister-in-law.

In addition, she also has her own selfishness. When she passed by the big family of the Bai family last time, she had been thinking in her heart that if there was a suitable son-in-law in the family, if she could have a kiss, it would only be the property of the big family of the Bai family. It's hard for the Lu family not to develop.

(End of this chapter)

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