Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 618 Touched a Soft Nail

Chapter 618 Touched a Soft Nail
Seeing Lu's exaggerated invitation, Mrs. Li resisted the urge to roll her eyes, and looked at Mrs. Bai beside her with a smile.
"Old sixth aunt, this sister-in-law of the Lu family is really enthusiastic. People like us who are clumsy and tongue-in-cheek can't compare. Although the sisters of the Lu family are stepmothers when they enter the house, but fortunately, our brothers and sisters of the Bai family are obedient and obedient. It will be easy to get along in the future."

"The sister-in-law of the Lu family loves my sister-in-law very much, and she tries every means to get close to our sister. The sister-in-law is well-intentioned, and we also look forward to family harmony... Just now I saw sister-in-law Xue sitting next door. If the sister-in-law is willing , I’ll call someone here.”

Listening to Li Shi's teasing, Lu Shi's face became stiff for a moment.

But it's not easy for her to refute this kind of thing, so she can only smile and nod her head,
"This sister-in-law is right. My sister-in-law was raised at home and grew up pampered. When she was getting married, the mother-in-law also reminded her ten thousand times that she must get along well with her sisters."

"My sister-in-law, don't worry more. I'm having a meal right now, so it's inconvenient to move. I'll go over in person in a while, talk to my sisters, and get close."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Li laughed immediately.
"The sister-in-law of the Lu family is really enviable, but you are new here, and you may not have figured it out. Our second room girl has only one sister Xue, whose full name is Bai Ningxue. She has already married to the Xu family in Qinghe Village. Although she is married, the two The village is very close, and it’s only a few steps to go back to my mother’s house.”

"Siblings and sisters marry into the Bai family, and they will be sister Xue's stepmother in the future. If the two of them can get along, the family will be happy."

Li Shi said, walked up to Lao Bai Shi with a smile, and helped her squeeze her shoulders,

"Aunt Six, what do you think?"

Hearing that Mrs. Li was protecting Sister Xiang, Mrs. Bai's face was a little worried, and she couldn't say anything to refute, because what Mrs. Li said was reasonable, and if the Lu family wanted to see the sister of the Bai family, they could only be from the second room. Sister Xue.

"Mr. Li is right. When Mrs. Lu marries into the second room, she should be very close to Sister Xue. They will be mother and daughter in the future, and they really cannot have sex."

Listening to the old lady's tone, Li sneered inwardly when he saw Lu's smiling face which was about to be lost.

"Sister-in-law of the Lu family, you have heard clearly now. Sister Xue is the stepdaughter of the new siblings. As for Sister Xiang, she is the eldest sister and my goddaughter."

Seeing Li Shi's sullen expression, Lu Shi was secretly annoyed, she didn't want to see Miss Xue, what did a married girl have to do with her.

The person I wanted to see didn't see it, and I was slapped on the face in the open and in the dark, which made people angry.

"Oh, what the sister-in-law of the Bai family said is right. Today is my sister-in-law's big day. We sat down to eat together and chatted for a while when we were happy. We accidentally got involved with sister-in-law of the big house. I heard that sister-in-law Xiang is a rich I was curious, so I wanted to meet him, but I didn't expect that there would be a misunderstanding."

As Lu Shi said, he immediately raised the wine glass in front of him, and motioned to Lao Bai Shi and Li Shi,

"Aunt in-law, I'm the one who didn't speak well, how about accepting three cups as punishment?"

After she finished three glasses of wine, Li immediately smiled and greeted everyone to have a drink together, as if nothing happened just now.

Lao Bai stayed with him for a while, and then left with an excuse. Since hearing the warning from his eldest granddaughter, his forehead has been aching.

Coupled with the messy crowd, it made her brain ache.

Until the end of the banquet, when the Bai family sent an ox cart to take her natal family home, Lu Shi did not see Bai Ningxiang.

(End of this chapter)

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