Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 619 Asking for a carriage

Chapter 619 Asking for a carriage

At the end of the song, Lu Shi stood beside the bullock cart, looking at the bullock cart with only one roof, feeling extremely disgusted.

"We all know that the Bai family's life is easy. Why do you deliver such a poor cart to your mother's family? I heard that the Bai family has several carriages alone."

Lu said, looking at the Bai family members driving the ox cart, pouted,
"Why? We country people are not worthy of a carriage or something?"

The girls who accompanied Mrs. Lu to get married did not look very good when they heard that there was a carriage that would not let them sit.

"Sister-in-law, Sister Feng'er just got married, and the Bai family is so negligent. I'm afraid it will be difficult in the future."

"That's right, the ox cart is not as elegant as the horse cart, we are the family of the mother's family."

"Cough...don't talk about it. Sister Feng'er is married to the second wife of the Bai family. There is only an ox cart at home. The carriage you are talking about belongs to the eldest family of the Bai family. It is not the same thing."

The Lu family stood by the side of the road and chattered a few words, which made Bai Qixuan, who was driving the ox cart next to him, extremely embarrassed. He was invited by Bai's second child to give it away. It was a good happy event, but now he is despised by others. He was not happy either.

But the people in front of him are all female relatives, so he can't care about it.

At this moment, a girl standing next to Lu pursed her lips and snorted,
"Aren't the big and second householders all brothers surnamed Bai? They deliberately don't allow them to sit in a carriage. Is this bullying our Lu family?"

Lu Shi was not happy today, and was persuaded to drink a lot of wine, and his head was a little clouded.

Hearing these words, her complexion turned dark immediately, she glanced at Bai Qixuan who was sitting on the bullock cart,
"Go and ask my new brother-in-law what dissatisfaction he has with the Lu family? If you think my sister-in-law is not good enough for him, just say so, what do we mean by making trouble like this?"

Bai Qixuan blushed, and angrily shook the whip in his hand, who are these people from the Lu family?
The day of great joy is always how you are happy, how can you ignore it and make trouble?
But after all, he was invited to help, and he couldn't represent the master's family. If he wanted to change the carriage, he had to go back and ask Bai Er Er for instructions.

"Then you wait, I'll ask the groom officer, do you want to change the carriage for you?"

As the bridegroom's official, Bai's second son was blushing from drinking, and was thinking of sending away all the guests and going to the new house to see his new wife, but now that Bai Qixuan stopped him, he couldn't help frowning,

"You said that the Lu family asked to go back in a carriage?"

"Yes, we prepared the ox cart earlier and have been waiting at the entrance of the village. Now people don't ride, what do you think?"

Bai Lao Er frowned, it would be nice to have ox carts to see off guests, not to mention horse carts, even ox carts are abundant in the whole village.

"Is there any idle carriage at home?"

"Second Brother Bai, what we prepared is an ox cart, and most of the guests also came by ox cart, so they're almost gone now."

Bai Qixuan shook his head, hesitated for a while, and finally reminded, "Brother Bai, only Sister Xiang bought a carriage in our village, and the Lu family seems to know about it."

Speaking of Sister Xiang, Bai Laoer frowned. As far as he knew, Sister Xiang didn't come over at all today, except for sending some congratulatory gifts in advance, she didn't even see anyone today.

During this period, he also heard his mother complain many times, saying that Sister Xiang was getting more and more shameless, and she didn't care about family affection at all.

No one came, would she like to borrow a carriage?

The same goes for the Lu family, can't they ride in an ox cart?
(End of this chapter)

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