Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 620 Self-righteous

Chapter 620 Self-righteous
Just when he was worried about what to do, he saw Brother Min coming out with two buckets, "Brother Min, go to Sister Xiang to borrow a carriage and send the Lu family back."

Bai Zhimin was taken aback, and tightened his grip on the fence, "Didn't you prepare an ox cart? Why do you need to borrow a carriage?"

"I want you to borrow it and pick it up. It's our first time dealing with the Lu family, so we can't neglect it."

Bai Er's face became embarrassing, he couldn't make things difficult for the Lu family, and he didn't want to make things too embarrassing on the big day.

Bai Zhimin looked at his father, feeling very uncomfortable. As the eldest son, he did everything he could, and his father was satisfied. What about him?

Who will take care of him?

The patriarch's grandma and uncle found several girls for him, but they all shook their heads and refused when they heard that his family was about to marry their stepmother.

The mother-in-law can't guarantee whether she will torture her daughter-in-law, and if she meets a step-mother-in-law who is not related by blood, it will be a ghost if the daughter-in-law's life will be better.

So, after talking about several girls one after another, the patriarch's grandma and uncle gave up, saying that they would wait until Lu's family passed before making any plans.

But as soon as she entered the house, Lu's natal family started to be picky and even asked to take a carriage. She didn't even think about it. In the whole village, except for the eldest sister, who would be willing to raise a horse?
When raising cattle and farming is busy, you can farm and help with the work, and you can also transport things with a cart, but the cart can only be well maintained. Except for riding out, the rest are basically offered by the ancestors.

"What are you still doing in a daze, go to Sister Xiang to borrow a carriage, and send him back." Bai Er Er looked at his son in a daze, with a flash of disgust in his eyes.

"Father, we are all peasants. It is considered respectable to have an ox cart to send someone off. The carriage maintained by the elder sister's family is for going out and doing errands. If you squeeze hard, if the carriage is crushed, dad will have to pay for it."

As Bai Zhiming said, he raised the bucket in his hand, "These are all borrowed. If you don't return them in time, they will be easily confused, and it will be an offense to others."

"Deadheaded, I don't know how to adapt, why did I give birth to such a stupid son as you?"

Bai Er raised his hand and pinched his forehead. After a busy day today, he was physically and mentally exhausted. If this continued, his wedding night in the bridal chamber would be ruined.

"Sister Xiang's family has two carriages. It's useless for her to be idle anyway. You can borrow them and send the people away first."

Bai Zhimin; "...I won't go."

He doesn't even want to borrow one, but wants to have two?
His father, like his grandmother, has no self-awareness at all.


Just when the two were in a stalemate, a soft voice rang out, "Husband, what happened?"

Bai Er Er suddenly turned around, and saw Lu Feng'er in a bright red wedding dress standing not far away shyly, with shy eyes and a bright red handkerchief in her hand, which made her little hands even more white and lustrous.

At this time, she was looking at Bai Er Er with concern.

"Cough~, Feng'er, why did you come out? Go back and sit down. Your sister-in-law wants to go back in a carriage. I'm asking Brother Min to find Xiang girl. You don't need to worry about this matter. I will send my sister-in-law safely home."

Seeing the shy new wife, Bai Er Er unconsciously softened his voice, as if caring for a baby, for fear of scaring her.

How could he be wronged if he was willing to marry him at such a young age?

(End of this chapter)

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