Chapter 624 Annoying
"Second Master is waiting at the door, the sea is not allowed to enter." Yun Ni smiled, the girl only gave orders in the morning, and no one from the Second Household was seen, so in the end, she was afraid of anything. .

Bai Ningxiang shook her head, put on the appropriate ordinary clothes, sat on the beauty's couch, drank tea to moisten her throat.

"It seems that the second uncle thinks highly of Lu Feng'er, and even came to borrow a carriage to take her natal family home. This is to save face with Lu Feng'er."

"It's a pity that Lu's family can't get involved. The second uncle is really embarrassing."

At this moment, the little man came in with a plate of peach blossom cakes, "It's just out of the pan, it's delicious."

"You improved again?"

Bai Ningxiang looked at the peach blossom cakes on the coffee table, her eyes lit up,
"The peach blossom cake made out of molds is really beautiful, just like eating flowers, it's pleasing to the eye."

"It looks good, my uncle carved it out."

The little man held a peach cake and smiled triumphantly. She really didn't expect that the little uncle who couldn't speak could carve molds.

Hearing the young man's tone, Bai Ningxiang twitched the corners of her lower lips. This girl is familiar with herself, and she knows how to have hot and sticky skin. After knowing that my uncle has this skill, I'm afraid she won't be able to be quiet in the future.

Yun Ni watched the two of them discuss peach blossom cakes all the time, and completely forgot about Second Master Bai. Thinking of the second master who always pretended to be serious, she couldn't help gloating.

"Ahem... Girl, can I borrow the carriage? It's not good to always let him stand at the door. If anyone in the village sees him, he will always use filial piety to oppress them. It's very annoying."

Really, they are all separated, can't they all be well?
"I heard that a lot of people from the Lu family and the Song family have come, and there are only a few people in the carriages. Even if we borrow all our carriages, it may not be enough. Second uncle will know."

After Bai Ningxiang finished eating a peach cake, she wiped her hands with a handkerchief,

"Besides, I don't want my special carriage to be contaminated with too many miscellaneous smells. In this way, there is only one carriage that can be borrowed. How can there be so many people?"

Based on her understanding of those people, as long as she can't finish pretending, she will offend people whether she borrows it or not.

"Second uncle is getting married today, there must be many people watching the excitement, let's go to the front yard to see."

When Bai Ningxiang got up, she wanted to stay away and just be a stranger, but unfortunately there are always people causing trouble.

Do we have to let her move to the county?
Yun Ni looked at the girl's slightly frowned brows, and she didn't need to guess to know that the girl was unhappy.

Everyone in the village knew that the girl was not close to the two uncles, but as a junior, she was in a passive position in the world, regardless of right or wrong.

When she came to the front yard, Bai Ningxiang waved her hands towards the sea, asking him to let Bai Er Er in.

"Sister Xiang has such a big shelf."

Bai Er's face was dark, and he waited at the door for a long time, but he refused to let him in. As an elder, it was a great shame.

"Second Uncle is a rare visitor. My niece is really surprised. It is said that today is Second Uncle's big day. Why do you have time to visit?"

Bai Ningxiang ignored Bai's second child's angry appearance, and sat down after teasing with a half-smile.

"Leaving the new second aunt at home alone, second uncle won't worry?"

Suddenly being teased by his niece, Bai Er felt a little uncomfortable.

Looking down at the bright red wedding gown on his body, his expression turned awkward. Fortunately, he was used to being serious, and his expression did not change much.

"Ahem...Second Uncle is here, of course there is something to do, you have someone prepare a carriage and send the Lu family back, so as not to lose the way of hospitality. Second Uncle is busy these days, so it is inevitable that he may be negligent."

(End of this chapter)

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