Chapter 625

Listening to her second uncle's order, Bai Ningxiang curled her lower lip, looked up at the sky, and shook her head speechlessly.

"It's going to be Shen Shi soon, right? The Lu family hasn't left yet? According to the rules, one should leave after seeing off the married person after the feast. So now, aren't those girls' parents worried?"

According to the custom, most of the little sisters who have a bride in the wedding leave early because of some unnecessary troubles.

"A while ago, when Sister Yan and I were sending off Sister Xue's marriage, it was just late when I came back."

Bai Er choked, the Lu family had indeed stayed for a long time, but he was not the one who stayed, otherwise, he wouldn't have come to borrow the carriage.

"Something went wrong in the middle, and the trip was delayed. Sister Xiang can just send a carriage to take him away, and don't worry about the rest."

Bai Ningxiang looked at her second uncle, her expression slightly restrained,
"My family only has two carriages, one of which is for my own use. I don't like to be contaminated with miscellaneous smells. I only have one to lend to my second uncle. I heard that Lu's family has come a lot. I am afraid that one carriage will not fit. If you don't let anyone sit, you will inevitably offend others, are you sure you want to borrow it?"

Hearing his niece's tone, Bai Er was taken aback.

Just lend him a carriage?
It's hard to say whether the two can be seated, but now I only borrow one, even if the carriage is squeezed, it won't fit.

"Second uncle is not an outsider, so sister Xiang can't borrow two carriages?"

A country girl, what is hypocritical?
"Second Uncle is wrong. You are all outsiders to me, especially the Lu family. I don't want to be afraid of offending Second Uncle. I don't want to touch the Lu family at all, lest they stick like dog skin plaster."

"Now the second uncle has the cheek to come to the door. It's not good to refute your face as a niece. I have already compromised by agreeing to borrow a car. If the second uncle is not satisfied, he can simply find a way by himself."

Bai Ningxiang looked at her second uncle's darkened face, and indifferently picked up the teacup to drink, waiting for him to make his own decision.

Bai's second son is angry, it's not the first time he has dealt with Bai Ningxiang in the past few years, and every time it doesn't work out, no wonder Brother Min doesn't want to come over, this girl is a difficult one.

"With so many people watching today, aren't you afraid that the Bai family will lose face?"

"If the second uncle is afraid of shame, he shouldn't come. You are an elder, you are not young, and you are led by the nose. Who is to blame?"

Bai Ningxiang looked at her with a hint of mockery in her cold eyes.

"Second Uncle asked me for something, and I did my best, but in the end, I still provoked Second Uncle's resentment. This world is really incomprehensible."

Second Bai: "..."

If she tries to help, do you blame her?
He doesn't want to help at all, puts on airs with himself everywhere, and still wants to be a good person, why?
"Second Master, it is a matter of face for a countryman to have a wedding or funeral, and it is a matter of face to be equipped with a bullock cart. Why do you have to stare at my girl's carriage? You can only have face by yourself in everything, and you can borrow things to support face. Then It’s a death to save face and suffer.”

"Presumptuous, the master is talking, how can you have a servant to interrupt?" Bai Er stood up angrily, "Sister Xiang, discipline your servant well."

"Second Master Bai doesn't need to put on airs to teach me. Our whole mansion knows that girls love cleanliness, and the items we use must not be contaminated with miscellaneous smells. Second Master Bai is putting on the airs of an elder, just want to force it?"


(End of this chapter)

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