Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 627 The Official Arrival

Chapter 627 The Official Arrival

Bai Er went out with a dark face, and walked home without looking back, which made the onlookers at the entrance of the village curious, "What's the matter? Didn't you borrow the carriage?"

"Does it need to be said? If I borrow it, can I come out empty-handed?"

"Hey, the relationship between this uncle and nephew is really not good. Sister Xiang is not willing to help with such a big matter. It really shouldn't be."

"Let's just watch the excitement. I don't know what's going on. I can't talk nonsense. I think Sister Xiang is not bad. We help pick tea. She has never been in arrears. Just because of this alone, people are not bad."

No matter how everyone talks, the farce of the Bai family is over. As for what will happen to Bai Lao Er when he returns home in three days, only he can experience it himself.

The next day, just after Bai Ningxiang had breakfast, the yamen servant came to the door.

Bai Ningxiang welcomed the man into the living room, and ordered him to salute after serving tea, "I didn't know that the official came from afar, so it's a sin to welcome him from afar."

"Miss Bai, you're welcome. We're also following orders. My surname is Zhang. I'm the county government's catcher. This is the county government magistrate. He's in charge of documents and records all cases."

The one who spoke was a policeman with a knife and wearing a blue official uniform. Beside him stood a gentleman dressed as a scholar, holding a box in his hand.

"Little girl greets Governor Mu. It's been a hard journey." As far as she knows, the post of governor is of the eighth grade, in charge of documents and files.

Unexpectedly, when she opened a wine shop, the governor would personally come down to investigate.

"Miss Bai, you don't need to be too polite, Mu is just acting according to the rules." Governor Mu nodded, with a bookish air all over his body.

"Officials don't need to be humble. In the countryside, the roads are bumpy. Those who can come down to understand the people's sentiments are the parents of the people." Bai Ningxiang looked at the two of them and gave a polite compliment.

"Miss Bai has approved the blueprint for building the winery, and the county magistrate has approved it. In addition to sending the documents, Mu will also go to check it on the spot so that he can go back and report."

As Governor Mu said, he opened a kraft paper, took out a stack of documents, and handed it to Bai Ningxiang.

"The county magistrate attaches great importance to the winery, and hopes that Miss Bai will follow the paperwork and not make any mistakes."

"Thank you, Governor, for reminding me that the little girl will naturally follow the rules and dare not go beyond."

Bai Ningxiang took the approval document and looked at it for a while, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart, the provisions are indeed so harsh that it is outrageous.

"The two adults have worked hard all the way, please have some refreshments, rest for a while, and then set off to check?"

Forget it quickly, as a martial artist, he has a strong body, and it's okay to toss around a bit. As for the wooden governor, he can be seen as a weak scholar at first glance, and she dare not tire him out.

"It's troublesome for Miss Bai. The Governor seldom goes to the countryside, so it's really hard work." Before Governor Mu could speak, Inspector Zhang quickly spoke.

Governor Mu glared at him before turning to Bai Ningxiang, "Miss Laobai."

A moment later, with the light steaming mist, the clear tea fragrance permeated the entire living room.

A pot of tea, a few snacks, put on the table.

"There is a shortage of goods in the countryside. I hope the two adults will not dislike the cakes made by my family." Bai Ningxiang sat at the head seat and served warm tea soup to the guests.

Detective Zhang will stop talking quickly, he is a rough man, just fill his stomach.

Governor Mu is a literati, smelling the fragrance of tea, looking at the exquisite cakes, especially the pink peach cake, he likes it very much.

"Thank you Miss Bai for your hospitality. This pastry is very special, and it's rare in the county." Governor Mu twisted a piece of pastry, tasted it, and nodded in praise.

(End of this chapter)

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