Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 628 is to be lively

Chapter 628 is to be lively

"As long as the two adults like it." Bai Ningxiang smiled, among other things, the little man is still very good at transforming things.

After having refreshments and resting for a while, Bai Ningxiang prepared a carriage for the two of them, and they went to Lingjiao Peak together.

An hour later, a group of people stood at the foot of the mountain, Bai Ningxiang pointed to the surrounding terrain, and explained her thoughts to Governor Mu, so that he could intuitively understand the place.

"I originally wanted to build the winery in our village, but it was inconvenient to transport mountain spring water. After much deliberation, I decided to put the place here."

Bai Ningxiang said, pointing to the waterfall on the mountain peak, "Two adults, please look, from there to connect to the source of mountains and waters, you only need to use bamboo tubes to guide the spring water down, saving time and effort."

Governor Mu and Inspector Zhang quickly looked in the direction Bai Ningxiang pointed, and nodded, "This is indeed the best place. I heard that brewing wine with mountain spring water will make the taste clearer. Miss Bai has a good eye."

"Master Liao Zan,"

After half an hour, Bai Ningxiang led them to check around.

After the on-the-spot investigation, record it in the book, go back and keep the file, the whole inspection is completely over.

"The address is confirmed. Miss Bai can start construction today. After the completion, I will come back to check and accept it." The size of the winery must be built according to the drawings, and it cannot be expanded at will, otherwise it will be convicted of tax evasion.

"Thank you." Bai Ningxiang sighed, it was really troublesome.

Back beside the carriage, Inspector Zhang quickly raised his head and looked halfway up the mountain, "Miss Bai, are there still people living on the mountain?"

"Yes, Lingjiao Peak is a tea garden. For the convenience of taking care of it, the owner of the tea garden hired someone to take care of it and built a small yard there. If you are interested, you can go around if you are interested. Especially in spring, there are mountain flowers all over the place. You can visit here."

Bai Ningxiang said, pointing to the location of the pine forest ahead.

"My family also has a tea garden. In order to avoid the destruction of some wild animals, people from the village are also invited to live in the tea garden all year round to take care of it."

"So that's how it is," Inspector Zhang nodded quickly. When he checked the terrain just now, he noticed that there were people moving on the mountainside.

There are many tea gardens in the area of ​​Daba Mountain. He knows the season for tea picking, but he doesn't know how to maintain it.

"Catcher Zhang, if you are interested in tea gardens, you can go to my tea garden for a walk. The tea garden here has been planted for less than three years, and the workers are quite busy. They need to water and fertilize regularly, making the surrounding messy."

"My family's tea garden was left by my ancestors. In addition to green plants, there are also many fruit trees and mountain flowers around. If you want to enjoy the scenery, you can visit it."

"Thank you, Miss Bai, for your suggestion. I'm just a rough person, and I see the same scenery in all places."

Detective Zhang smiled quickly and shook his head. He was overthinking. The tea farmers tending the tea gardens are naturally acquaintances. Otherwise, Miss Bai would not have built the winery here.

When Bai Ningxiang introduced the surrounding environment, she always had a faint smile on her face. She couldn't help but curl her lips until she sent the two of them into the carriage and walked back.

The more dangerous the place is, the safer it is. After the wine shop opened, the wine officials often shuttle here, and there must be no one who is not good at looking for trouble here.

Whether it is a tea garden or a peach blossom garden, now with a wine shop, the flow of people is relatively large, and it is enough to get acquainted with each other, each doing its own work without interfering with each other.

It was exactly noon when Bai Ningxiang and his party returned to Bashan Village.

(End of this chapter)

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