Chapter 630
Lu Feng'er blushed, showing a shy look. I don't know if Bai Er Er had been holding back for a long time. He tossed and tossed until midnight before collapsing. He almost didn't get up in the morning. After serving tea to his mother-in-law, he rested for a long time before getting up. .

When arranging the dowry, Bai Er Er gave her all the accompanying gifts.

When she saw a piece of fine cotton cloth and a silver hairpin that Bai Ningxiang had given her, she paused, and then remembered that she didn't seem to see Sister Xiang at the banquet yesterday.

In the entire Bai family, only Dafang's life is the best. The reason why her mother agreed to Bai's second child's marriage proposal is mostly because of Bai Ningxiang's worth.

And her sister-in-law, from seeing her to the wedding, has been inquiring about Bai Ningxiang's situation all the time. Before leaving yesterday, she asked her to help find out about Sister Xiang's worth, and then get closer and build a good relationship so that she can move around later .

She already knew what the sister-in-law wanted, and she just wanted to get Sister Xiang to be a daughter-in-law in Lu's house.

She has no objection to this idea. It's not bad for her if her natal family is well. Therefore, if there is a chance to match, she will try her best.

"...Why is Second Aunt staring at me like this?"

Bai Ningxiang frowned, looking at her like a dog saw a bone, making people uncomfortable.

"Cough's okay, I just think sister Xiang looks good. I heard that you look a lot like my sister-in-law. I'll have to take a closer look later. They say that my daughter is like a mother. I think my sister-in-law is also a fairy-like figure." .”

Lu Feng'er came back to her senses, blushing and praised.

Listening to her tone, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help raising her eyebrows, she was pretty good at it.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he said that he wanted to see his sister-in-law, but it would be unreasonable if she stopped her.

However, when dealing with the Lu family, she was not prepared to follow the rules.

"Second Aunt just married into the Bai family. Maybe I don't know it. My mother eats fast and recites Buddha all day long. It's almost a refuge from the world. It's better for Second Aunt not to disturb her."

"Escape from the world? How did you escape from the world?" Lu Feng'er was a little surprised. She had such a good life, but what kind of food did she eat and what Buddha did she chant?

"My mother and father have a very good relationship. Since my father passed away, my mother has been depressed. Now she is devoting herself to praying and chanting sutras for my father. I have no choice but to let her go."

Listening to Bai Ningxiang's explanation, Lu Feng'er was taken aback, and her hand holding the basket tightened.

"I see, sister-in-law is really affectionate and admirable. After being told by sister Xiang, I want to see her even more. I also ask sister-in-law to ask sister-in-law. If sister-in-law doesn't want to meet, then forget it."

Bai Ningxiang shook her head, she said it so bluntly and insisted on seeing her, it really was hot and sticky.

"Second aunt is giving me a problem. When my mother was a Buddhist, she liked to be quiet. She usually didn't even see Brother Xing. For this reason, I specially built a courtyard."

"Mother is used to being quiet. I'm afraid she won't meet people easily. Second Aunt should go back first. Later, I will send someone to tell Mother. If she is willing to see guests, I will send a maid to inform Second Aunt."

After saying this, Bai Ningxiang pretended not to notice Lu Shi's stiff face, and stepped into the door.

The little man was the last to go in, and before closing the door, he smiled and said,
"Second lady, go slowly."

Lu Feng'er watched the door slowly close in front of her, the smile on her face could no longer be maintained.

It's too much, she came to the door with a gift, but was turned away, she really has no education at all.

Looking at the grand courtyard in front of him, it is not bad at all compared to the mansion of the landlord of the Wang family.

(End of this chapter)

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