Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 631: Thick Willow Dustpan and Thin Willow Bucket

Chapter 631: Thick Willow Dustpan and Thin Willow Bucket

The night before she got married, her mother told her that she must get close to Sister Xiang so that she could move around in the future.

But now, people don't even let in the door, how can she get close?

"Feng'er, why are you here?"

Bai Laoer walked over quickly, reached out to take her basket, and frowned.

When Lu Feng'er saw Bai Er Er, her resentful expression suddenly became extremely aggrieved. She glanced at him with red eyes, then lowered her head,
"Husband, I wanted to visit my sister-in-law, but I deliberately brought cakes, but it's a pity that sister Xiang said just now that my sister-in-law likes to be quiet and doesn't see guests."

Second Bai: "..."

Hearing Sister Xiang's name, he couldn't help but think of yesterday's humiliation, and his face suddenly became ugly.

There was no reply, Lu Feng'er looked up, and saw Bai Er Er's darkened face, and jumped down.

"Husband... Did I do something wrong? I thought, I have already entered the gate of Bai's house, so I can't even know my sister-in-law. Wouldn't it make people laugh if I said it?"

Lu Feng'er's eyes were red, and she took a step closer to Bai Laoer with aggrievedness, and stared at him eagerly with her head up.

When Bai Lao Er came back to his senses, he saw such an aggrieved face, and thought of the tenderness and softness of last night, his heart suddenly softened.

"Feng'er is right, they are ignorant, let's go, you are a newlywed, you don't need to go out until you return."

Bai Er was holding her hand, and couldn't help but squeeze it lightly, causing Lu Feng'er's winking eyes to gasp like silk,
"Husband is really bad, this is outside."

Hearing the charming tone in his ears, Bai Er Er's eyes deepened, and his body reacted immediately. He moved closer to Lu Feng'er, and said something in a low voice, which caused Lu Feng'er to stamp her feet shyly, and ran forward a few small steps.

"Oh, I'm ignoring you..."

Bai Er Er looked at the back of his little charming wife, feeling full of strength all over his body, sure enough, it's better for the daughter-in-law to be young.

The laughter got farther and farther away, and the little man lying in the crack of the door stood up abruptly, rubbing his arms subconsciously with his hands.

"My god, I got goosebumps when I heard that."

Bai Er Er usually looks very serious and serious, but he never expected to be so flirtatious.

It's just that no matter how attractive people are, they won't be seductive, and it will only make people feel uncomfortable.

"Our new lady, the taste is really strong enough."

Facing such a serious and mean face, how could he say anything?

"Dahai, keep a close eye on the door, like just now, you must not let it in, it will affect your appetite."

Dahai: "Haha... as the old saying goes, thick willow dustpan and thin willow bucket, no one in the world thinks men are ugly."

The little man turned around abruptly, and looked at the sea in shock, "How do you know Brother Bajie's wise words?"

I'll go, she won't meet fellow villagers, will she?

Seeing the little boy staring at him fiercely, Dahai felt embarrassed, raised his hand and scratched his head, "...I'm sorry, I used to be a group of wild men in the barracks, and I'm used to being rude."

Really, how could he say this in front of the little girl?

"Brother Dahai, you haven't answered me yet? Who did you hear that sentence from?" The little man looked at his embarrassed expression and didn't care.

"Huh?... I used to be bored in the military camp. A group of rough guys... just like to talk nonsense and amuse me. I also listened to it by accident."

The barracks were boring, and in his spare time, apart from being homesick, he secretly chatted with women.

(End of this chapter)

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