Chapter 632

In the barracks, there was no restraint in speech, and they dared to open any dirty jokes. This was the only interesting pastime after training. He didn't pay attention for a while, and talked bald.

The little man looked at Dahai's embarrassed expression, and waved his hands, "It's okay, it's nothing, a word is nothing, and this girl who is more explicit than this has heard it before."

Dahai: "... I admire you."

What a tough girl.

The little man pinched his waist, looked at the sea, blinked and blinked, and didn't know what he thought of, so he walked in secretly,
"Brother Dahai, are you free to chat?"

The sea: "..."

"Aren't I on vacation now? I have a lot of free time. I will provide refreshments. Tell me something about the barracks. If you pick up something interesting, I'll just listen to the story."

Xia tea has all been put into the warehouse. Apart from taking a stroll around the tea garden occasionally, she just checks on her uncle and his wife making tea. Too much free time would be boring.

"There is nothing to say about the things in the barracks. Apart from training, we fight wars, and then eat and sleep..." As for the amateur life of the rough guys, there is nothing to say.

"It doesn't matter, just talk about it casually, for example, when the two armies are facing each other, how do you scold the enemy before the battle, what dangerous things happen during the battle, in short, you can say whatever you want, anyway, you are idle, you think about it first. Think, I'll come to you later."

As the little man said, he took out a pack of dried fish from his pocket, "Here, I'll grind your teeth for you."

Dahai looked at the pack of dried fish in his hand, his face was full of astonishment, are all the little girls so wild now?

"What is so spicy?"

The moment he was distracted, the big river came in from outside and snatched the small dried fish. He pinched one and threw it into his mouth to chew, "Well, it tastes good, and it's just right to drink with."

"You boy, this is the little dried fish that the little girl bribed me. I haven't tasted it yet. Why are you taking me away?"

As Dahai said, he stretched out his hand to snatch it, but unfortunately, Dahe swung his body and dodged it.

"Don't grab it, save it for dinner at night, tell me honestly, what is the good little girl doing to give you dried fish?"

Da He hid Xiao Yugan behind him, looked at the sea curiously, and looked at his lame leg intentionally or unintentionally.

"What are you thinking about? That girl is curious about the life of a soldier. Let me tell her a story. Besides, why are you looking at my legs? If you have nothing to do, look in the mirror to see your big face, and count your own." How many fingers are left?"

"Damn it, can you be more vicious?" Didn't you just glance at his lame leg, the guy who will get revenge, just poking his heart.

"Each each other."

After staring at him to vent his anger, Dahai told him about Lu Fenger's arrival.

"Tsk tsk~, the girl's guess is indeed correct, the Lu family has bad intentions."

Dahe chewed another piece of dried fish, squinted his eyes, "I'll order some from the little girl later, it's delicious."

Since he came to Bai's house, he had no worries about eating and drinking, and lived a comfortable life. He had forgotten the hard times before.

"Greedy guy, give me a taste..."

Bai Ningxiang returned to the backyard, leaning lazily on the beauty's couch, rubbing the jade ring on her ring finger, thinking about the construction of the winery city.

"Girl, don't be angry, today is just a coincidence, next time the maid will never let Lu Feng'er appear in front of the girl."

Yun Ni put the teacup on the small tea table and assured with a calm face.

"I'm not angry, Lu Feng'er doesn't have the ability to anger me."

(End of this chapter)

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