Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 633 Accompanying

Chapter 633 Accompanying
Bai Ningxiang opened her eyes and chuckled softly, "I'm thinking about the winery, since it's already decided, start construction early, go to the town tomorrow and invite Master Li over, I'll discuss it with him. "

"Don't worry, girl, the servant girl is going now, and it's no problem to come back before dark."

It's not about Lu Feng'er's business, those people are like big snot, they can't be shaken off, it's so bad.

"You don't need to hurry, just go tomorrow morning. By the way, bring Master Li over and study the blueprint first. If he can't build it, he can also recommend other builders for us."

Having dealt with Master Li a lot, Bai Ningxiang still understands his talent to some extent.

However, the winery is different from other houses. The wine cellar alone is a problem.

"You prepare some gifts, I'll go to my mother's house."

Bai Ningxiang thought for a while, she had to tell the clan leader about building a winery by herself, if someone was willing to work, it would be regarded as helping the clan.

"Girl wait a moment, the servant girl will go get ready." Yun Ni nodded, turned and walked out.

Now that there are ready-made pastries at home, they no longer need to go to the town to buy them.

Bai Ningxiang changed into a light blue dress, and as soon as she walked to the yard, Brother Xing ran over,
"Sister, I'm going, I'm going."

"Brother Xing, how do you know that my sister is going out?" Bai Ningxiang squatted down, pinched his little face, and asked with a smile.

Xiao Douding blinked, and kept hugging her sister, "I knew it, I knew it."

"Okay, sister is holding your hand, don't let go."

Seeing Xiao Douding acting like a baby to herself, Bai Ningxiang's maternal love overflowed, and her eyes were full of kindness.

Facing Brother Xing, all she cares about is an old mother's heart.

"Sister-in-law Chunmei doesn't need to follow, it's fine if Yun Ni and I take care of her." Bai Ningxiang looked at Liu Chunmei who was waiting at the side, brother Xing will be three years old soon, so it's good to walk a little to exercise.

"Hey, then I'll make autumn clothes for Brother Xing at home." Liu Chunmei smiled, watched the siblings go out, and turned to look for a sewing basket.

It was the first time for Bai Ningxiang to take her younger brother out, seeing the little guy's cute appearance, she felt very distressed.

"Sister, there are flowers there." Brother Xing pointed to the small wild flowers on the side of the road, with starlight in his eyes.

"Would Brother Xing like it? My sister will take you up the mountain some other day. There are more wild flowers on the mountain."


Brother Xing was very excited, chatting non-stop along the way, seeing everything was fresh, the more so, the more guilty Bai Ningxiang felt, she usually only told the nanny to take good care of him, eat well, drink well and sleep well, but neglected to accompany him , the little guy is her only blood relative, she should be with her more.

When Li Shi saw Bai Ningxiang appearing with her younger brother, she was very surprised.

"Hey, brother Xing is willing to go out, come here, let my aunt have a look, and my aunt will bring you candy."

Mrs. Li bent down to pick him up, looked at her pink face, and took a bite.

"Come in and sit down quickly. Your elder brother just picked wild grapes from the mountains. They are very sweet." Shi Li greeted Bai Ningxiang to enter while hugging Brother Xing.

"Xiang girl is here, sit down, the yard is cool."

The patriarch sat on the rattan chair, holding a cigarette bag and pot in his hand, and greeted him with a smile.The patriarch's grandmother heard the voice, came out of the house with a sewing basket, took her hand directly, and asked her to sit next to her.

(End of this chapter)

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