Chapter 644
"Hehe, it's nothing. This story tells the journey of a charismatic hero who is happy to befriend and enmity, leading an eagle to find a wife..."

After an hour,

The little man talked endlessly about how a one-armed hero grows up, how to practice magic skills, and how to lead a divine eagle to find a wife...

"Stop, take a look, is the person squatting by the roadside Bai Ningxue?"

While Bai Ningxiang was speaking, Ding Yang had already stopped the carriage,

"Girl, it's her."

What do you do squatting on the side of the road in broad daylight?Bai Ningxiang frowned and got out of the carriage,
"What are you doing here alone?"

Bai Ningxue raised her head abruptly, the tears on her face were still wet, "I...I'm fine..."

"Who hit you?"

Bai Ningxiang looked at her obviously swollen cheek on the right side, and narrowed her eyes, "Look at you, your eyes are like peaches, and your cheeks are red and swollen, do you seem to be okay?"

The big brother just asked her to take care of Bai Ningxue, and something happened to this girl.

It really goes without saying.

"What? You were wronged at the Xu family?"

Bai Ningxue wiped her face with a handkerchief, turned her head to one side, looked at the carriage parked by the side of the road, her eyes froze,
"Is the lady in the lobby going out?"

"Well, just after I came back, I saw the wronged squatting here, like a puppy or cat that was abandoned by someone."

Bai Ningxue: "..."

My brother bid her farewell a few days ago, saying that he was going on a trip, and the money was all given by the lobby sister, and he also told her to come to the lobby sister when encountering difficulties.

Although she didn't take it seriously, something happened today. After being slapped by her mother-in-law, she came here unknowingly.

"I'll walk around..."

Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Bai Ningxiang,

"It's not safe outside now, so don't wander around on the road, especially on official roads."

Seeing her embarrassed look, Bai Ningxiang shook her head,
"Okay, it's all at the door of the house. Go back with me and wash your face before you go back. You're crying like a cat. Who cares about you for making yourself so embarrassed?"

Bai Ningxue choked, blushed and lowered her head, followed the big lady back home.

After a brief wash, she changed into clean clothes. As soon as Bai Ningxiang lay on the beauty's couch, the little man came in with Bai Ningxue who had cleaned up.

"Sit down and drink a glass of water. Before going out, the big hall brother asked me to take care of you. It's only been a few days, and something happened to you?"

Bai Ningxue held the handkerchief, her eyes were red, "Today is my second younger brother's birthday, mother-in-law feels uncomfortable..."

"Your mother-in-law feels bad, why did you hit you?" Yun Ni walked in holding an egg in a handkerchief, "Don't move, use this to roll it to reduce the swelling."

The moment the hot egg touched her cheek, Bai Ningxue gasped in pain.

"My mother-in-law is not easy to get along with. At first, it was okay. We were polite to each other, and we didn't blush. Recently, for some reason, she always loses her temper at me intentionally or unintentionally. Today, she even yelled at me. I feel wronged , then contradicted a few words, who knew that my mother-in-law actually hit me..."

As soon as I said this, I was interrupted by the little man, "Where is your man, you are not at home?"

Bai Ningxiang raised her eyebrows, also waiting for her answer.

"My husband is at home, and it was he who stopped my mother-in-law from doing it again."

When Bai Ningxue said this, her eyes were a little red, "My husband apologized to me, saying that my mother-in-law shouldn't attack me, that today is my second brother's birthday, and my mother-in-law feels uncomfortable, so I don't want to argue with my mother-in-law..."

(End of this chapter)

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