Chapter 645
Listening to Bai Ningxue's narration, everyone was speechless. What kind of nonsense talk, you can beat anyone if you feel uncomfortable?

"Bah, why should she do anything to you on her son's birthday? A scumbag, the whole family is a scumbag, and your man is not a good guy. If you feel uncomfortable, you will find someone to vent your anger on. In the future, when there will be more uncomfortable things, you will always find yourself to vent your anger on you." ? Are you still alive?"

The little man snorted, took out a piece of jerky and threw it into his mouth, chewing vigorously.

"You should call back, otherwise she will bully you next time."

"Little man, don't say a few words." Bai Ningxiang glared at her, what nonsense is this poor girl talking about.

If news of the daughter-in-law beating her mother-in-law gets out, Bai Ningxue's life will be over.

In this world, no matter right or wrong, a filial piety can overwhelm a person.

"You ran out alone, where is Xu Maokang?"

"...he is accompanying mother-in-law."

Bai Ningxue's eyes were red, she ran out because she felt wronged.

Xu Maocheng is dead, what does it have to do with her, why use her to vent your anger?
Bai Ningxiang frowned. She used to think that Xu Maokang was a simple and honest farmer. Although he didn't have great skills, it should be no problem to take care of his wife and children.

Who would have thought that when dealing with family conflicts, she would be a fool and filial, if Bai Ningxue got a little more stubborn and started to make a fuss, which side would he stand on?
"Does Xu Maokang treat you well?"

"My husband is usually very good to me, and the two of us have never had any disputes."

When Bai Ningxue said this, her eyes turned red again, "As long as my mother-in-law is involved, my husband always asks me to be patient, saying that my mother-in-law has a knife and a bean curd heart, just bear with it."

"I'll go, this is typical stupid filial piety. Your man doesn't distinguish right from wrong, right from wrong."

What's the use of just letting the daughter-in-law be patient?In this way, it will only fuel the arrogance of the mother-in-law and bully the daughter-in-law even more.

Because she knew that her son was on her side.

This is not mother-in-law bullying daughter-in-law, but mother and daughter bullying together, okay?

Bai Ningxiang glanced at the little boy, but this time she didn't object to her argument. The Xu family is not easy to get along with, and her son Yuxiao is obedient, so don't think about it, Bai Ningxue's life will not be easy.

"How long has this been going on?"

"One month after we got married, she started to make things difficult, but she didn't dare to go too far at the beginning. As a wife, I can't care about everything. I think it will be fine when we get to know each other."

"So, in her eyes, your patience has become a concession, to the point where you are now doing something?"

Seeing Bai Ningxue's dejected expression, she felt a little annoyed for some reason.

It's not that she sympathizes with Bai Ningxue, but hates this world.

It is really difficult to be a daughter-in-law. It is better to meet a sensible husband. If you meet a foolish and filial man, it is a woman's suffering.

In order to win over your husband's heart, you must not only take care of your mother-in-law's emotions, but also be filial. Once there is a conflict, you are unfilial and disobeying the elders.

"You are the daughter of the Bai family. It's okay to be stubborn. Your mother-in-law is a bully and fears the hard. If you are not afraid of her, she will not dare to torture you at will."

Hearing the reminder from the big hall sister, Bai Ningxue raised her head and gave a wry smile, "The big hall sister said it was easy, my father just married a second wife, and the family is in disarray, I want to be tough, but why should I?"

Whether a woman lives well in her husband's family or not, her mother's family is very important.

But what about her?There is no one behind her, if she falls out, who can support her?

(End of this chapter)

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