Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 646 Isn't My Boss Not Awesome

Chapter 646 Isn't My Boss Not Awesome

Bai Ningxiang looked at her quietly for a moment, then pulled the corner of her lower lip, "Sometimes, people have to learn to be flexible and learn to use their strengths. As long as you can deter the other party, you will be considered successful if you achieve your goal."

Hearing the tone of the lobby sister, Bai Ningxue couldn't react for a while, but in the space where she was stupefied, the little man couldn't help it.

"Ah, I usually look at you as a smart kid, how come you are a chain at a critical moment. Or is it that my boss is not good in your heart?"

Bai Ningxiang looked at the little boy, and twitched the corners of her lips, well, that's what she meant too.

"Big... Miss, can I really do it?" After Bai Ningxue figured it out, she suddenly raised her head and looked at her eagerly.

Only after she got married did she fully understand the importance of her natal family.

In the eyes of the mother-in-law, a girl without the support of her natal family can be bullied at will.

"You are the daughter of the Bai family. No matter how many conflicts we have internally, when we agree to the outside world, I will naturally not dismantle you."

Bai Ningxiang looked at her, remembering the situation of the Xu family, couldn't help frowning,
"Xu Maokang is the only son in the Xu family now. Since he wants to be a filial son, you can let her do it to her heart's content. With the Xu family's reputation, without you as a daughter-in-law, do you think she can marry a better one?"

"The best way to punish a person who doesn't distinguish between right and wrong is to leave him alone and stay away, so that he can see the facts clearly. They are not qualified to put on airs in front of us. When the Xu family realizes this, they will naturally cry Begging to let you go back."

At that time, Xu could only respect this daughter-in-law.

As soon as Bai Ningxiang finished speaking, the little man clapped his hands in agreement.
"Boss is right. Some people take themselves too seriously. How is the Xu family's reputation ruined? They dare to act like a monster, and they are not afraid of killing you, the only daughter-in-law?"

"Some people just hold back and go backwards."

Listening to her cousin's protection, Bai Ningxue's eyes turned red, and she lowered her head in embarrassment.

Since she got married, she seldom went back to her natal home, listening to her mother-in-law's sarcastic remarks and teaching her the rules of being a daughter-in-law every day, she was almost numb.

Although the husband loves her, he never dared to disobey her mother-in-law's wishes. Every time he was wronged, he made himself endure. After a long time, she got used to it.

Now being suddenly protected by my cousin, for some reason, my heart feels like I have knocked over a five-flavored bottle, very sad.

"I've already married Xu's wife, no matter how much I leave him alone, I still have to face it."

"It's not for you to reconcile, what are you worried about?"

Bai Ningxiang looked at her, and couldn't understand her attitude, "Are you worried or afraid?"

If you really have this idea, it can't be explained by just two words, stupid.

Looking at her cousin's eyes, Bai Ningxue became nervous, but she didn't know what to do in her heart, and was very afraid that there would be nothing left in the end.

"Father just married his stepmother, so I can't stay in that family at all. My biological mother is still watching over my stepfather, so it's also not my home. The world is big, and there is no place for me except the Xu family."

Thinking of her own situation, Bai Ningxue held the handkerchief, her face was miserable and her eyes were sad.

She has been wronged a lot, and she also has resentment in her heart.She hated her mother, a good family, was ruined by her greed, not only ruined herself, but also implicated the three brothers and sisters.

The second wife broke up, but the father was satisfied and happy. Every day, his wife was in his arms, and he couldn't think of leaving. He never cared whether her daughter was going well.

(End of this chapter)

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