Chapter 647

Bai Ningxiang stared at her quietly for a moment, stroking the jade ring on her ring finger, "My yard is big enough, and there is no shortage of food for you. If you want to straighten up in Xu's house, you might as well stay and observe for a few days."

"Boss is right, our Bai family doesn't lack your meal, let's see who consumes more energy than whom?"

Bai Ningxue didn't expect that after going around and making noise, she was finally taken in by the big lady.

"Thank you, big sister. Big brother is right. We are relatives whose blood is thicker than water. If we want to live a happy life, we must unite as one."

Bai Ningxiang pulled the corner of her lower lip, but did not refute her words.

They are all surnamed Bai, she just doesn't want people to trample on their faces, she doesn't mean to unite as one.

"Little man, clean up the room on the right side of the east wing and arrange for her to stay. Yun Ni, go to Xu's house and say that I invite my cousin to stay at home for a few days, and no one will come to pick me up."

It's not that she gave the Xu family face, but that she didn't want to leave any trouble for the Xu family.If people are kept silently, and the daughter-in-law of the family does not come home at night, people like the Xu family may not know how to arrange it.

And she happened to have the ability to keep Bai Ningxue behind, and at the same time avoid the Xu family.


Xiao Nan and Yun Ni looked at each other, and then they split up.

At this moment, the door curtain was lifted open, "Xiangxiang, I heard that Sister Xue is here? What's going on?"

While talking, Bai Huixia had already walked in. Although she didn't have a good look at the adults of the Bai family, she still cared about her nieces and nephews.

"Here, I was wronged at the Xu family, and I picked it up." Bai Ningxiang pouted at her and shrugged helplessly.

Bai Huixia looked at her niece's red and swollen eyes, and sighed, what a crime, the whole family made it like this.

"I've seen my little aunt," Bai Ningxue had heard of this little aunt, but hadn't seen her much.

"No, you're welcome, go out with little aunt." Bai Huixia took her hand, walked directly through the small door in the backyard, and entered the tea factory.

"This... This is my cousin's tea factory, it's really spectacular."

It was the first time for Bai Ningxue to enter the tea factory. She and her cousin had a conflict before, so she only took a few glances from the outside, but she didn't expect the inside to be so spacious.

"It looks good. In addition to the factory building, vegetables are also planted. My aunt's yard is built in the northwest corner. It is spacious and quiet. If I am not afraid of affecting the smell of the tea factory, I would like to raise some chickens and ducks."

Bai Huixia led her around the tea factory, picked another basket of vegetables, and then went back along the path.

"These are planted when you have nothing to do, and they grow very well. Today, I will let you have a taste of my aunt's handicraft."

"Thank you, aunt." Bai Ningxue was very complicated in her heart, and couldn't help but look sideways at her aunt.

"Xiangxiang is a good boy, but it's a pity that all the relatives around him are not worried. It's a pity." As long as the family members give a little effort, it won't be like this.

"Mother, today's big characters are finished, and the embroidery work is also finished, can I play with Xia Qing for a while?" As soon as the two of them entered the yard, Qiaoer ran over.

When she saw Bai Ningxue, her face turned red, she silently took a step back, blessed her body,

"Meet my cousin."

She only glanced at this second cousin from a distance, and never said a word.

"Cousin, you're welcome." Bai Ningxue looked at Qiao'er, surprise flashed in her eyes, she didn't expect her aunt to teach her cousin so well.

"Now Qiaoer and Lesheng are both studying ethnology, and they are literate and sensible."

(End of this chapter)

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