Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 648 Close the door

Chapter 648 Close the door

Knowing her daughter's temperament, Bai Huixia couldn't help shaking her head, "You just can't calm down, you will regret it sooner or later, go, remember to come back early."

"Don't worry, mother, we'll just play shuttlecock in the yard."

Qiaoer rubbed her wrists, she wrote twenty big characters today, and embroidered two willow leaves, her wrists were so sore that she couldn't lift them up.

Bai Huixia walked to the desk, looked it over, and found that Bai Ningxue was staring at those big characters in a daze, chuckled lightly,
"Qiao'er and Lesheng have the opportunity to study, it's all thanks to Xiangxiang. The Zheng Xiucai she hired is a learned teacher. It won't take long for the Bai clan to learn talents."

Hearing her aunt's explanation, Bai Ningxue was taken aback for a moment, then she nodded, "The big lady is really good, I heard that she has contributed a lot to run the ethnology."

"You're right, Xiangxiang spent a lot of effort and money for the sake of ethnology."

As Bai Huixia said, she glanced at Bai Ningxue and patted her hand.

"Xiangxiang always pretends to be big things, and never cares about trivial matters, let alone the bickering between your sisters, so, if your life is not going well, as long as you find Xiangxiang, and her mouth If you don’t say it, you will reach out.”

"She can accept aunt as a big family, how can she ignore you?"

Bai Ningxue listened to her aunt's reassurance, and all the past flashed through her mind one by one. The big lady gave her the feeling of being poisonous and indifferent, as if she had nothing to do with her being good or bad.

With such a cold mind, she can still reach out to help her aunt and elder brother, and now she is helping herself again.

It turns out that there are really people who can be cold-faced and warm-hearted.

It was she who wrongly blamed the big lady.

If Bai Ningxiang knew that what she did today made Bai Ningxue think so, she would definitely sneer.

She can lend a helping hand, and she can also trample people down, but only if they are not stupid themselves.

At dusk, Bai Ningxiang heard the porter report back, saying that Xu Maokang asked to see him.

"In a hurry so soon? Tell him not to see."

"Boss, I'll go and talk." The little man volunteered, stabbed and ran away.

"Girl, I'll go and have a look. The little boy will say anything without shutting his mouth." Yun Ni echoed, turned and left.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Are all the people around her like this?

"Girl, don't worry, it's good to let Xu Maokang get frustrated." Ding Yang snorted coldly, and the girls of the Bai family dared to fight at will, did they think there was no one in the Bai family?
"I'm so worried, go tell Qiuniang to cook something delicious tonight, call my aunt, and let's have a good time together." Bai Ningxiang leaned on the beauty's couch, squinting her eyes and ordered.

"Yes, I'm going to tell Qiu Niang right now, and make a grilled lamb chop by the way." It was her favorite. When she was a child, she could only eat this bite during the New Year and holidays.

For three days in a row, Xu Maokang had been shut out, and had to endure the little man's making things difficult from time to time. Apart from being annoyed, he was helpless, he didn't even see his wife's face.

Don't think about it, this time Xue'er might be out of breath, alas, it's all her own fault, if she moves faster, maybe she will stop her mother.

Walking into the courtyard dejectedly, Mrs. Xu greeted her, "Have you seen anyone yet?"

"Well, I only know that Xue'er lives at her cousin's house, but she just avoids seeing her, and her son can't even get in."

Xu Maokang looked at his mother, not knowing what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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