Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 651 Two people who are blind and lame

Chapter 651 The Blind and Lame Two People

"Hey, this is the first time I've been an's right to be exempt from courtesy. Although I'm not very old, when I marry into the Bai family, I'm Xue'er's mother. According to my seniority, you call me It should be called mother-in-law."

Lu Feng'er covered her mouth with a handkerchief, giggling happily, making Xu Maokang feel like sitting on pins and needles.

"Husband, am I right?"

Bai's second child looked at the new wife's ecstatic eyes, and there was no reason to object, "Madam is right, you enter the Bai family, and you are the mother of several children."

"Since that's the case, let's go now. They are young couples, and they live a sweet life. They can't run away from home because of a little quarrel. Otherwise, people will think that our daughter of the Bai family is not sensible."

If someone else was present, they could tell that Lu Feng'er's words were too frivolous and out of place, but Bai Er Er was so fascinated by her that he was almost deaf and dazzled, so he couldn't hear anything wrong at all.

"Let's go and have a look." Bai Er Er stood up and walked out first.

Lu Feng'er followed Bai's second child with excited eyes, "Husband, you must not be angry when you see Sister Xue in a while. Although the married woman splashed water, she is still the daughter raised by the husband so hard. Just go back and live a good life with your son-in-law."

As soon as Lu Feng'er said this, both Bai Laoer and Xu Maokang felt very comforted in their hearts, although Lu Feng'er was young and really sensible.

"Don't worry, ma'am, I won't embarrass Sister Xue. Life at home is not going to be smooth sailing. I can't get used to running to my mother's house every now and then."

With his hands behind his back, Bai Er came all the way to the head of the village.

Dahai was telling a story to the little boy with his legs crossed, when he suddenly saw the three of them standing in front of him, directly blocking a large piece of sunlight, with an ugly expression on their faces.

When the little man found Xu Maokang hiding behind him, he still didn't understand, "Hey, the second master brought the son-in-law who beat your daughter to the door?"

When Bai Laoer heard this, he frowned, "What nonsense are you talking about? The elder came to the door, and he hurriedly reported to your master."

"Ha, Dahai, did you hear me? I said that the son-in-law beat his daughter-in-law. The elders just pretend they didn't hear it. It's really unlucky to be his daughter."

The little man leaned aside, looked at Bai Er Er with disdain, chewed the dried fish in his mouth, and stared at the show.

"You don't need to make a fuss, Xiaonan, there are many unkind parents in the world, and there are two standing in front of you." Dahai put down his crossed legs, glanced at the second child, "The second master came to the door suddenly, and brought his son-in-law to apologize of?"

"Hmph, it's just nonsense."

"Hey, your daughter was beaten by her in-laws, you as a father don't feel bad at all?" The little man clenched his fists, as if beating someone, what should I do?
Bai Er was taken aback for a moment, then looked back at Xu Maokang, "Did you hit Sister Xue?"

"Father-in-law, my son-in-law didn't dare, my mother-in-law couldn't resist Xue'er, after a lesson..., my son-in-law stopped me directly." Xu Maokang felt guilty, and explained a sentence in a stumbling manner, with a smile on his face. feel guilty.

Bai Er was silent for a while, it is better to close the door and solve the housework by himself.

Thinking of this, he cleared his throat, "Stop talking about the master's affairs, go report it."

"I'm sorry, I've gained a lot of knowledge today, is the second girl your daughter?" The little man looked at Bai's second child with bright disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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