Chapter 652 Reminder
"Little man, it is said that where there is a stepmother, there is also a stepfather, so don't get your hopes up too much."

The sea picked up a small dried fish and threw it into his mouth,

"Second master, are you sure you want me to communicate with the girl?"

The girl was holding back her anger, if he dared to step into this yard, his girl would trample his face into the mud.

At that time, it will not be a human being who will keep him inside and out.

"Hmph, I know what to ask."

Bai Laoer flicked his sleeves, his face was gloomy, Sister Xiang disrespected her elders, and even the servants in the house didn't pay attention to them, it was really presumptuous.

"What the second master said is different. My girl is very busy on weekdays, and she won't see unnecessary guests. So, I advise the second master, if it's not something important, please come back first."

Dahai glanced at him, and said politely, he said everything that should be said, if he loses face in a while, don't blame him for not reminding him.

"You are a concierge, so to put it bluntly, you are a watchdog. What nonsense are you talking about?" Bai Er didn't want to lose face in front of his wife and son-in-law, so he puffed up his chest to build up his momentum.

It's a pity that he doesn't understand the situation of the sea, and he is doomed to kick the iron plate.

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, Bai Er Er felt taken aback, and bumped into those gloomy eyes as soon as he raised his head.

Bai Lao Er is gloomy, selfish and narrow-minded, and a typical cowardly person. He is in no way comparable to Hai Hai and others who have come down from the battlefield.

Being stared at by the sea is like being wrapped around the neck by a poisonous snake. For a moment, I don't know what to say.

Lu Feng'er looked at Bai Er Er's face turning pale, and snorted secretly, it's a worthless thing.

"Dahai, right? Tell Sister Xiang that her second uncle and aunt brought her son-in-law to the door."

Dahai glanced at her and raised his eyebrows at the little boy, "Little girl, did you hear that, the second uncle and second aunt brought their son-in-law to ask to see our girl, you go and ask, and see if the girl has time?"

"Okay, wait." The little man glanced at them with a half-smile, then turned and went in.

Bai Ningxiang was reading in the backyard at this time, when she heard the boy's report, she glanced at Bai Ningxue who was doing embroidery.

"Your relatives are here, do you want to see them?"

"Ahem...Second girl, let me remind you that the second master and your newly married stepmother may not make decisions for you."

Bai Ningxue: " don't need to remind me, I can figure it out."

The little man touched his nose and looked embarrassed. Did she embarrass others on purpose?

"Cousin, I'll go to my aunt for a trick, and everything will be decided by my cousin."

While speaking, Bai Ningxue walked towards the corner door with her sewing basket in her hand.

"Girl, what does the second girl mean by this, I just let you help make the decision?"

The little man rubbed his chin, a bit confused.

Isn't she afraid that the girl will help and leave in a fit of anger?

"After going through such trials and tribulations, if she still can't see the reality clearly, she will be really stupid. Since she can choose to live here, and my little aunt and I took her in again, we must also see it. If you return to the Xu family with a chest, you will definitely have a bad life in the future."

"Oh, so that's the case, the second girl is not stupid." The little man chuckled, why didn't she think of it.

But, to be honest, it's not very kind to women who are daughter-in-laws here.

She decided to live alone forever and not to marry for the rest of her life.

"Let's go, let's go to the front yard to meet guests. They are not qualified to come in my inner courtyard." If sister Xue's accident hadn't happened, the second uncle and his wife would never have even thought of stepping into her yard for the rest of their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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