Chapter 653
The little man followed the girl and nodded in agreement. That Mrs. Lu is not a law-abiding person. Standing at the door, his eyes kept sweeping around the yard. When he saw Hao Dingxi's eyeballs, he wanted to touch them. The kind that won't come down.

As soon as she passed through the Moon Gate, Bai Ningxiang heard Lu Fenger's delicate voice, "We are sister Xiang's elders after all, don't you invite us to go in first?"

"Ma'am, what are you talking about with a watchman like him?" Bai Laoer stared at Hai Hai, and sarcastically said in a deep voice, what's the use, isn't it a watchdog?

Listening to the two standing at the door singing together, and the villagers passing by, the door is very lively at the moment.

"Dahai, invite people in." The little man saw the boss sitting down in the living room, and then he yelled loudly.

"Three, please."

Bai Laoer flicked his sleeves and walked in first, followed by Lu Feng'er and Xu Maokang.

As soon as they entered the yard, their eyes were straightened. The bluestone pavement, pavilions and pavilions, the flowers and plants are neatly trimmed, and the rose-red camellias are blooming, which is an elegant and quiet courtyard.

Lu Feng'er glanced around in the yard, her eyes were full of light, no wonder the sister-in-law never forgot about Sister Xiang, it turned out that this girl lived such a luxurious life.

"Ahem... Ma'am, come in and sit down and talk." Bai Er Er looked at Madam's astonishing eyes, as if he had never seen the world, and his expression was a little bad.

Hearing Bai Er Er's reminder, Lu Feng'er immediately straightened her body, only to realize that the girl beside her was staring at her happily.

"Husband, this is the first time I've come to Sister Xiang's yard. I thought we were all a family. The yards of your three brothers are similar, but I didn't expect such a big difference."

Hearing Lu Fenger's reminder, Bai Er'er's face darkened. The houses of the three brothers were indeed the same, but this yard was built by Sister Xiang with her own strength, and it had nothing to do with the ancestral property.

Even if he didn't want to admit it, he knew that Sister Xiang was more capable than their elders.

Entering the living room, looking at the niece sitting at the head, Bai Er's expression froze, her airs really got bigger and bigger, the elders have all entered the room, she still sat at the head with peace of mind.

Lu Feng'er followed Bai's second child, and when she saw Bai Ningxiang, she was stunned. She was such a rich girl, and she was more imposing than any landowner's wife she had ever seen, especially the jade hairpin on her head, which was full of water. It's worth a lot of silver.

And she wears a jasper bracelet on her wrist, and she looks like a valuable item.

It is said that people rely on clothes and saddles, if these jewelry are worn on her head, it should be more beautiful.

Xu Maokang was also surprised. He never knew that this noble compound was actually so rich.

But, my aunt is here, why didn't I see Xue'er, is Xue'er still angry with him?
"What are you doing in a daze, sit down." These people are not worthy of her courtesy.

Holding the teacup, Bai Ningxiang looked at the three people's eyes with different expressions, and licked the corner of her lower lip.

"Second uncle, after we parted last time, I thought you wouldn't come to the door easily, but I didn't expect to meet again so soon."

Bai Laoer was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered the reason for leaving hastily last time, his face became stiff for a moment.

It's a pity that before he could speak, Lu Feng'er beside him couldn't bear it anymore.

"Hey, sister Xiang, it's really hard for you to get into this school. The second aunt has taken advantage of her son-in-law today."

As Lu Feng'er said, she pressed the corner of her lower lip with a handkerchief.

(End of this chapter)

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