Chapter 654 Questioning
"Well, actually, your second uncle and I don't want to take the trouble to make a trip. No, the son-in-law has come to ask for someone, and we have nothing to do."

Listening to Lu Fenger's words, Bai Er nodded along with her words, "Sister Xiang, what about Xueer, why don't you see her come out, both parents have come to the door, what's the matter with her hiding?"

"Husband, what did I tell you on the way, don't be angry, just talk about it if you have something to say."

Lu Fenger sat on the official hat chair beside her, looking at the exquisite murals hanging on the wall, she couldn't hide the envy in her eyes.

"Sister Xiang, your second uncle is also in a hurry. The son-in-law came to ask for someone. We didn't see Sister Xue at all. We heard that Xueer has been with you for the past few days, so we came here."

"No matter what misunderstandings the couple had, they are still a family, so it's fine if they let it go."

Bai Ningxiang drank tea quietly until Lu Feng'er stopped talking, then put down the teacup,

"Have you finished your presentation?"

The three of them were taken aback, not knowing what kind of medicine Bai Ningxiang bought in the gourd.

"Second uncle, do you know what happened between your daughter and son-in-law? Do you know how your daughter is doing well at her husband's house?"

"There is also the new second aunt, you are a stepmother, and I don't expect you to be more concerned with the life of your ex-wife and daughter, but please don't speak nonsense if you don't know the whole story, okay? I perform in front of my eyes."

As Bai Ningxiang spoke, she turned directly to Xu Maokang as if she didn't notice the embarrassment of the two of them.

"The filial son of the Xu family is here. It's really disrespectful. You went to your father-in-law to rescue the soldiers, did you explain the whole story? Or do you think Xue'er's grievances are nothing, as long as it doesn't affect your filial piety?"

Faced with the direct questioning, Xu Maokang felt guilty. He just wanted to take him back first, but he did not tell the truth to his father-in-law.

Originally, he was also prepared to be talked about, but his father-in-law didn't ask, so he just escaped by luck.

"What? There's nothing to say. Your mother is in a bad mood, and she vents her anger on her daughter-in-law. She scolds and slaps others. You have fulfilled your filial piety. Your daughter-in-law, who is suffering from flesh and blood, looks pitiful."

Second Bai: "..."

Cher was beaten?
"Bastard, why don't you tell me the truth?"

"Oh, I feel so sorry for this person, you child, you are so eager to ask for someone in front of us, why didn't you explain the whole story to us, this matter made you really, oh..." Lu Feng'er covered her face with a handkerchief. He covered his mouth and looked at Xu Maokang in shock.

Tsk tut in my heart, looking at the honest man, it turns out that he is also useless at home.

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law, I..." Xu Maokang got anxious, stood up quickly, and bowed to the three of them, bowing again and again.

"Xu Maokang, I don't object to you wanting to be a filial son and grandson, but don't use the face of our Bai family to fulfill your filial piety. I heard that your mother likes to beat people very much. Then why doesn't she beat her own son? What is it to beat your wife? Is it?"

Bai Ningxiang looked at him with mocking eyes, and she was not polite at all when she spoke.
"In the past, I thought you were honest and honest. Although you didn't have any great skills, you shouldn't have any problems caring for your wife and children. It's only been a long time since you got married, and you have shown a man's uselessness so vividly."

Being called useless in person, Xu Maokang's face flushed red, his neck was stalked, and his veins were bulging, as if he had endured it to the extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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