Chapter 657
Under the big willow tree in front of the door, there are many village names surrounded by people watching the excitement. Looking at the people who were thrown out, they couldn't help but surround them curiously.

"Dahai, why did you throw people out?"

"No, at least he is the son-in-law of the Bai family."

Dahai stood at the door and clapped his hands, "It's polite to throw it out, dare to bully the second girl, hum."

When everyone heard this, they looked at Xu Maokang with anger and gloating.

Anyway, they all belong to the same village, and the girls in the village were bullied by their in-laws, and everyone was still very indignant.

There are married girls in every family, and the mood is the same.

"Isn't there only one son left in the Xu family? In the future, they will have to rely on their son and daughter-in-law to provide for them. Why do you still have to worry about others?"

"That's right, it's not that there are many daughters-in-law, there are others to rely on after learning one."

"Who says it's not? I don't know if Mrs. Xu is mentally ill. Two sons, one son married a mountain monster, and the rest is still a monster. Doesn't Mrs. Xu have other plans?"

"Speaking of this, I remembered it. A while ago, I saw Sister Xue at the head of the village. She looked pale and pale. Before I asked, she turned around and ran away. Maybe she committed a big crime. .”

Xu Maokang: "..."

Thinking of what her mother had done, her face turned red. The mother really vented her anger on Xueer because she missed her second brother.

Dahai looked at the gossiping eyes of the villagers, and was hesitating whether to drive them away, when the little man appeared.

"It's still the folks and aunts who are sensible. We are all decent people, but we can't do things like bullying people at will. If the Xu family is not too shameful, my second master will not throw people out in anger."

Bai Er who just walked out of the living room: "..."

When did I get so angry and throw people away?
frame!Serious framing.

"Hey, boy, listen to what you mean, and there are inside stories."

"It's not bad, the Xu family is too deceptive, if my girl just came back from Chashan and met her, what would happen to the second girl?"

As the little man said, he turned his head to look at the black-faced second child, pointed at Xu Maokang indignantly,
"Uncle Xu's mother, because she missed her second son, felt uncomfortable, so she took out her anger on her daughter-in-law. Her face was swollen, and she was still in front of Uncle Xu. How arrogant do you think they are? And our Uncle Xu didn't say a word. If you dare to make a sound, now you come to ask for someone, who gave you face?"

"Is there no one in our Bai family?"

Hearing the young man's tone, everyone was terribly angry, "It's really outrageous, bullying our girl in Bashan Village, throwing it out will make him cheaper."

"That's right, if you ask me, Bai Er Er is still too soft-hearted and should fight back. Anyway, the father-in-law should teach the son-in-law a lesson."

Xu Maokang: "..."

Isn't it said that family ugliness should not be publicized?

Why is it different from what my mother said?
Hearing the commotion at the door and the accusations from the crowd, Bai Er was in a dilemma.

After a long time, Bai Er took a deep breath, "Sister Xiang, are you not afraid of losing face by making such a big publicity?"

"It's inevitable to lose face, but it's also the face of the Xu family. The Bai family is just unlucky to meet such in-laws and be implicated."

Bai Ningxiang rubbed the rim of the cup, looked at her second uncle's trembling face, and smiled,

"What's the matter, is it true that in the second uncle's heart, the water poured out by the married daughter is allowed to be trampled and ignored by the husband's family?"

Bai Er choked and blushed, "When did I stop asking? Didn't I just know this?"

(End of this chapter)

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