Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 658 Attitude Issues

Chapter 658 Attitude Issues
Justification is justification, but there is always a guilty conscience in my heart.

"So, the daughter of our Bai family has done nothing wrong, why can't you be tougher." For a shrew like Xu, the more you care about face, the more she will be a monster, it is better to pinch seven inches at once to avoid worries .

Bai Er Er took a look at the chaotic situation outside, and didn't bother to go out, so he turned around and sat on the chair.

"Sister Xiang, there are no outsiders now, so tell my second uncle, are you really going to make sister Xue and her inseparable?"

Before Bai Ningxiang could speak, a person came in at the door, "What is father afraid of?"

While speaking, Bai Ningxue had already stood at the door, a bean green gauze skirt set off her slim figure, but her face was a little pale, obviously she was also anxious after the past few days.

When Lu Feng'er saw Bai Ningxue, she subconsciously looked her up and down.

"Hey, sister Xue, we've been sitting here for a long time, why did you come out?"

"What did the stepmother say? This is the house of the eldest cousin, and the master came forward to entertain her. What is the stepmother not satisfied with?"

Bai Ningxue glanced at her. She didn't have friendship with her stepmother, but she couldn't stand her fanning the flames from beginning to end.

Hearing Bai Ningxue's question, Lu Feng'er choked, and looked at Bai's second child with an uneasy expression,

"Husband, look at this? I know that Sister Xue is in a bad mood, and we came here for her sake. How could she put me down like this?"

"I know the identity of my stepmother, and I don't have a deep relationship with the children, but I thought, since I'm married, I have to plan for my children, but this... kindness has been taken as a donkey's liver and lungs."

As she said that, Lu Feng'er's eyes turned red, feeling extremely wronged.

Bai Er Er couldn't bear Lu Feng'er's tears, "Sister Xue, father knows that you are in a bad mood, but don't send the evil fire on your mother, she will be able to worry about you after she is married, and her heart is respectable."

Bai Ningxiang couldn't help twitching the corners of her lips when she heard the second uncle's obvious protection, she was so biased that she couldn't think of anything else.

Bai Ningxue: "..."

The married woman, the water that was thrown, her father was really rude to her.

"Second Uncle, I think my cousin is right. This is my home, and I, the host, come out to entertain guests. What else can Second Aunt find fault with?"

Bai Ningxiang was annoyed by Lu Fenger's act of pretending to be wronged with red eyes at every turn, no matter right or wrong, as long as she dropped two drops of golden beans and showed weakness, she could attract care, she was so shameless.

"Sister Xue's coming to my place can be regarded as going back to her mother's house. A married girl is a spoiled guest when she comes back. With me here, why does she come out to meet?"

When Bai Ningxiang said this, although her tone was tough, it was considered a good way to protect Bai Ningxue's face.

"Second Aunt, do you think I'm right?"

Seeing Bai Ningxiang's cold eyes, Lu Feng'er's face froze, but she didn't know how to answer.

Seeing that the new wife was in a dilemma, Bai Er Er coughed uncomfortably, "Don't get entangled in such trivial matters, let's talk about the important things first, Xue'er, son-in-law Xu has come to look for you, what are your plans?"

"Father, did Xu Maokang ask for someone from you, or did he come to invite me back? Father really doesn't understand?"

Bai Ningxue's expression was miserable, her own father didn't even care if she was suffering in Xu's family, so she opened her mouth to ask questions about whether she would stay or not.

Listening to her cousin's questioning, Bai Ningxiang also turned her gaze to the second uncle, she was also curious about the second uncle's attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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