Chapter 659
Although she didn't have much hope, Sister Xue still cared, otherwise she wouldn't be sad.

Bai Er was silent, and looked at his daughter for a moment, "The son-in-law is simple and honest. Your mother-in-law may not be easy to get along with, but the daughter's marriage should not be too rigid, and it is easy and inseparable. You can Think it over."

Listening to her father's tone, Bai Ningxue lowered her head and looked up at him for a while,
"Father, you are right. After a girl gets married, she should behave like a husband and teach her children. My husband is also good to me. I admit that life is harder, but now he is getting more and more stupid and filial. My mother-in-law is not happy because of the funeral. My son-in-law is in a bad mood, so you take it out on me, your son-in-law not only doesn't stand up for me, but also makes me bear it."

"The death of my second brother has nothing to do with me, so why should I be tortured? What does my father think of me?"

Bai Ningxue tried her best to suppress the anger in her heart, she held the handkerchief in her hand, her body trembled slightly.

The few words that Xu Maokang came in to say, not only did not feel sorry for her, but he defended his mother everywhere, so what is he, should he be tortured at will?

Knowing that he is with the big lady, and knowing that the big lady is protecting him, he can't get any advantage.

As long as he still has a little love for himself, he should be patient and beg hard. Since the eldest sister didn't let her really reconcile, is it necessary to go to his father to ask for someone?

Knowing that her father didn't value her, he went to poke her heart.

Listening to his daughter's questioning, Bai Er felt a little annoyed. From the time he came in to now, he has been in a passive position. It was obviously his daughter's business, but he couldn't make the decision.

"Even if your father agrees with you to reconcile, you can guarantee that the next time you meet someone will be better than the Xu family? Living at home, how can everything go your way, and you shouldn't let it go because of a little thing."

Originally, he wanted to say that a woman's reputation is always bad if she marries twice, but seeing Feng'er sitting aside, he opened his mouth, but he didn't have the nerve to speak.

Listen, this is the attitude of my own father, Bai Ningxue smiled sadly, "Father, it's not been a day or two since the Xu family has tortured me, do you know why I never go back to my mother's house to complain?"

Second Bai: "..."

"Because I know that my father will not make decisions for me, and some will only make me endure. Speaking of this, you and Xu Maokang are really similar."

Bai Ningxue didn't care about her father's face turning blue, she just spoke to herself.

"You... being a father is for your own good. Do you think that a woman can really be happy if she marries a second time?" Bai Er was furious and yelled violently.

"Father, don't worry. Since the eldest sister has taken me in, I will leave this matter to the eldest sister. I trust her." Bai Ningxue walked to the chair next to her and sat down.

Second Bai: "..."

Lu Feng'er saw that Bai's second child was silent, and couldn't help snorting in her heart, she didn't care about this cheap girl at all, now the only thing she cares about is whether she can use this matter to warm up with Bai Ningxiang.

Only in this way can she freely enter and exit here and plan for her natal family.

"Sister Xue, you can't hurt your father's heart. When we heard about your accident, we ran here immediately. We don't want you to appreciate it, but you can't chill our hearts either."

"When I got married, my stepmother hadn't married in yet, so I don't need you to worry about my affairs." Bai Ningxue felt uncomfortable, and didn't give Lu Feng'er any good looks. Her father made her feel cold, and asked her to rely on a stepmother. ?
(End of this chapter)

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