Chapter 660
"You... woo... Husband, you have wronged me to death."

Lu Feng'er's eyes turned red, and big tears flowed down her cheeks. Bai Ningxiang couldn't help admiring her. This person's crying skills are really well practiced, and he can control himself freely. He can cry whenever he wants.

It's a pity that she is a woman, and she doesn't feel much about beautiful women crying. Looking at her red nose, she feels a little disgusted.

I don't know if I'm used to being the master of the house. The first time I encounter a problem, I always think about how to solve it in the best way so as to minimize the loss. As for crying, I never thought about it.

"Okay, the things outside have not been resolved, so don't cry at my place. Since Sister Xue doesn't need you, you might as well go back first. Crying and crying every now and then will disturb people instead."

Lu Fenger: "..."

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's disgusted tone, Bai Er Er coughed in embarrassment, "Feng'er, it's important to deal with Sister Xue's matter first, so you can go back and rest first."

Lu Feng'er's eyes were red, and she was disgusted by the three of them together, no matter how thick-skinned she was, she couldn't resist, "Bai Er, you have no conscience, just leave as soon as you want, you think I am willing to take care of your family's mess."

As he spoke, he covered his face with a handkerchief, and ran out crying.

The people who watched the excitement outside couldn't help but wonder, why did this come out again?
Bai Ningxiang twitched the corners of her lips, fortunately her ground was leveled, otherwise she was really afraid that she would fall.

Bai Er'er's face darkened, and when he was about to chase him out, he heard a sound of vomiting.


Seeing Bai Ningxue's pale face, Bai Ningxiang was taken aback, "Little man, hurry up and invite Doctor Yang."

"Sit down quickly, what are you doing like this? Do you want someone to pity you?" Seeing the sweat on her forehead, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help complaining.

Bai Ningxue smiled wryly in her heart, the eldest sister is really venomous, she is asking a doctor for her and complaining at the same time, she really can't comfort others.

It's a pity that she felt uncomfortable in her stomach and felt like vomiting when she opened her mouth.

"What's the matter? Did you eat your stomach?"

Bai's second child looked conflicted, he was not in the mood to stay or leave, he looked at Bai Ningxue with displeased eyes, but there was a circle of villagers watching the fun outside, if he patted his butt and walked away, he would definitely be mean reputation.

Seeing the impatient look on the second uncle's face, Bai Ningxiang unceremoniously gave him a supercilious look.

"What else could be going on? Met a bunch of bad people and couldn't eat. It's no wonder that your health is good."

After a while, the little man came running with Dr. Yang.

"Girl, let go... let go, the old man's bones have been pulled apart by you." Panting, Doctor Yang shook off the sleeves that the boy was holding on to, his beard curled up in anger.

"Doctor Yang is in good health. How can he fall apart? There is a sick person at home, so don't delay. I will cook Beggar Chicken for you another day. It is guaranteed to be oily but not greasy, and it will be soft and rotten in the mouth."

When he arrived in the yard, the little man was not in a hurry anymore, and sat on the stone pier beside him, panting heavily.

Doctor Yang: "..."

After taking a breath, Doctor Yang took Bai Ningxue's pulse, and after a while, she muttered, "The slippery pulse is like rolling beads, and she is two months pregnant."

Listening to Doctor Yang's diagnosis, everyone fell silent.

This is arguing with you, how come you are pregnant.

After Bai Lao Er was stunned, he couldn't help laughing.

"Haha... happy news, sister Xue is pregnant with the Xu family's heir, they don't know it, they really don't know what to say, what sister Xiang did is right, they should be left alone, if the Xu family doesn't come to ask, they will divorce. "

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

This is knowing and being inseparable, and dare to speak nonsense.

Intuit shameless.

(End of this chapter)

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